Firestone Follows Suit L"OLLOWING the announcement last I week that
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Dunlop and India tyre prices were increased by three per cent, Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co. Ltd. has raised its prices by three per cent. The increase affects covers, tubes, flaps and remoulding processes.
Birfield in Eire r-IN Wednesday the premises of a new
Irish company, Birfield (Ireland) Ltd. were opened in Lombard Street, Dublin, by the Minister for Industry and Commerce. The company will handle Birfield group products, including those of Bound Brook Bearings, Hardy Spicer, Intermit, Kent Alloys, R. Jones and Co., The Phosphor Bronze Co. and Salisbury Transmission Ltd. Leipzig Fair: Well over 200 British firms will be exhibiting in the Leipzig Fair, which is to be held in 1963 from March 3-12.
Italian Coach Plant: The Serenissima concern of Italy has started erection of a new vehicles plant at Pontecchio Marconi, in Rovigo province, in which serial production of heavy long-distance coaches with rear motor is planned.
New Dutch Firm: The assembly, import and export of commercial vehicles are aims listed in the articles of association of the new Dutch company Hocke NV, of Waahvijk. The company, formed by Mr. J. J. L. Hock, Mr. R. J. L. R. Hocke and Mrs. M. L. IL M. T. Hock4.-Koekelberg. of Saint Agatha-Berchem, Belgium, has a capital of 500,000 florins.
Dutch Plant: The Swedish bodybuilder Be-Ge Karosserifabrik, of Oskarshamn, is to set up a plant at Meppel, Holland, to
start operations there early next year. This move follows the setting-up of Dutch works by the Scania-Vabis commercial vehicle concern and the Johnson Metal automotive parts producer, both of Sweden.
DAF Production Figures: According to latest reports, the Van Doorne's Autornobielfabriek NV concern of Eindhoven, Holland, is currently producing over 5,000 commercial vehicles annually, as well as more than 1,500 trailers and semi-trailers.
Profit For MAN: Maschinenfabrik Ntirnberg-Augsburg AG, of Augsburg, the German manufacturer of MAN commercial vehicles, announces that its net profits for the financial year ended June 30, 1962, were— at DM 12 million—of the same volume as those for the 1960-61 financial year.
dap Lorries For India : Nissan Motors Co. Ltd., the Japanese vehicle manufacturer; is to supply 1.000 road goods vehicles to India under a Governmental agreement. Delivery of the vehicles will be within the framework of an 80 million U.S. dollar credit loan by Japan.
Multi-fuel Studebakers: The Studebaker Corp. has obtained a $32m. contract to supply 4,192 heavy-duty 2-5-ton 6 x 6 trucks to the U.S. Army Material Command. and all the vehicles are to be powered by multifuel engines capable of operating on standard or lower-rated gasolines, kerosene, and diesel or jet fuel.
New Company: A new company, Chloride Technical Services Ltd., has been formed by the Chloride Electrical Storage Co. Ltd. The headquarters of the new company are the Research and Development Laboratories, Fletcher Avenue, Clifton, Manchester.
Soviet to Supply Finland: The Soviet Union is to supply 550 vans and heavier goods vehicles to Finland next year, according to a mutual trade agreement between the two countries.
To Improve Efficiency: The George Cohen Group has, in order to improve efficiency, formed two additional wholly owned subsidiary companies to take over the activities now carried on by George Cohen Sons and Company 'Ltd. They are George Cohen Machinery Ltd. and a company .trading under the same name as the parent company.
MI extension: The third contract for the northward extension of the M1 from Crick, Northants, has been let. Mr. Marples has accepted the tender of Robert M. Douglas (Contractors) Ltd., of Birmingham, amounting to £4,261.849 for the construction of a further six miles of motorway.