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21st December 1962
21st December 1962
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Page 1, 21st December 1962

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National Road Transport Federation to be Dissolved

E National Road Transport Federa tion is to be dissolved. This was announced jointly this week by the Road Haulage Association,...

Transport Holding Company—More Appointments

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A FORMER president of the National Union of Mine Workers is expected to be named shortly by...

'Speed Some EEC.

• . Provisions' W ILE approving the general princ r iples of the E.E.C. Commission's. draft transport policy, the permanent...

Leave Overtaking Gaps Says E.C.E.

EN travelling outside built-up areas, vehicles of over 3.5 metric tons (7,700 lb.) maximum gross weight should leave between...

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New Glasgow Storage Depot S IX single-storey buildings with a storage

capacity of over 7,500tons. served by fork-lift trucks and conveyors, form the basis of a great new transport warehousing...

Road System Lags Behind

"IT is to be deplored that the road system of this country is so far behind the technical development of the road vehicle,"...

Changes in T.R.T.A. Council

WITH a view to altering the form of VV the National Council so as to effect an overall reduction in numbers, an extraordinary...

Transport Institute's Part in N.P.Y.

T HE Institute of Transport is to take part in the National Productivity Year 1962-63 (the 1962 week-end conference at Oxford...

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Ministry's Plans in Case of N uclear Attack FIRST news was

released on Tuesday I of the plans which the Ministry of Transport has been formulating for several years now, in consultation...

Public Authority Should Support, salts Tribunal T "question as to whether

a nationalized industry should support a road haulier's application to carry goods for it was dealt with by the Transport...

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House of Fraser Decision Reserved • THE House of Fraser application to 1 convert 40 C licences to B, and to vary licences for...

12-vehicle B-t ci-A Deferred

'THE, heavy haula g e business has been 1 slack durin g -the past six months, accordin g to Mr. C. R. Beddin g ton, who made...

Tours Newcomer Wants Fantail Licence O VER 40 public witnesses supported

an application by Roberts Coaches Ltd., Crewe, for new extended tours to Great Yarmouth, EaStbourne, Pai g nton and Southsea,...

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Russell Standardization Bid Granted in Part

W E want to standardize our fleet ", said Mr. J. Russell, managing director, supporting an application by Russell of •Bathgate...

• Applicant Abse nt—Bid Refused

W HEN the applicant, H. Evans and Sons (Newport) Ltd., failed to appear at the hearing on Monday, the South Wales Licensing...

Northern Ireland Trailers seeks more

A N increase in traffic between England and Northern Ireland prompted an application for four new articulated A outfits by...

Extra Facilities for Continental Tours THE West Midland Traffic Commis

sioners last week granted a joint application by Stockland Garage Ltd. and G. H. Austin and Sons Ltd., for an additional...

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A-licence Variations Sought in Metropolitan Area

'THE Metropolitan area "Applications and Decisions" contains two of the largest applications to be notified th s week. M....

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More Evidence Needed— Application Refused A IMED at modernizing the company's

fleet, an application by F. and K. Transport Ltd., Celtic, for a variation of its A licence was refused by the North Western...

Pakistan Service Licence Withdrawal Warning VIAJOR F. S. EASTWOOD, chairman

al of the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners, told a Bradford estate' agent last. week that unless he took early steps to run a...

Tribunal Reserves Decision on Jones Transport Appeal

THE Transport Tribunal in London last week reserved its decision after a two-day hearing of an appeal by Jones Transport...

Welsh Application Succeeds in Part

-rim South Wales Licensing Authority, 1 Mr. Ronald R. Jackson, on Monday granted a contract A licence to a Bridgend haulier but...

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Municipal Busmen's Claim Rejected

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT L EADERS of 70,000 busmen employed in municipal undertakings received a fiat turndown of...

Inspector Wins Award T HEspecial prize awarded annually by the British

Electric Traction Co. Ltd. to the candidate who, being an employee of a road passenger transport company in England or Wales,...

North-east Survey L OCAL authorities in the north-east. 1-1 including the

county councils of Durham and Northumberland, are being recommended to carry out a survey of transport. Among other things, the...

Edinburgh Now to Fight Forth Tolls E IDINBURGH Corporation has now

agreed to switch its attitude on toll charges for the new Forth Road Bridge and will join a deputation of local authorities to...

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Bid to Avoid Delivery "Frauds"

L ABOUR M.P.s last week failed in an attempt to alter the clause in the Weights and Measures Bill which says that written...

Delivery Vehicles and Obstruction cOMPLAINTS about the obstruction

of narrow streets by delivery vehicles waiting alongside parked vehicles are to be brought to the attention of the Home...

Employment Charter

From our Political Correspondent S ACKING "on the spot" will become virtually a •thing of the past if the Government's new...

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The new mana g er of Barrow-inFurness Corporation Transport Department is Mr.

Thomas Marsden, the deputy mana g er to Bournemouth Corporation Transport Dept. Mr. Marsden takes up his duties in the New...

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Demountable-compartment Bulk Grain Vehicle

.1 - 1 A NEW type of bulk grain vehicle, produced by Carmichael and Sons (Worcester) Ltd., The Butts, Worcester. is a...

Atkinson Offers Eaton Tandem Bogie

WJEIGHTMASTER sixand eightIT wheeled goods chassis, as introduced six months ago by Atkinson Vehicles Ltd., are now available...

MUNICIPAL OPPORTUNITIES Camhoruc-Redruth U.D.C. invites tenders by Jan, 31 for infer alia motor haulage.

Kesteven C.C., Lines, invites tenders by Jan. 14 for the year ending 31.3.64 for inter Win supply of " one 3-ton long-wheelbase...

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Firestone Follows Suit L"OLLOWING the announcement last I week that

Dunlop and India tyre prices were increased by three per cent, Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co. Ltd. has raised its prices by...


kRTICS FOR RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION : The Southern Railway, India, has ordered four Leyland Comet articulated outfits from Ashok...

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Keeping the Back Cleaner

WITH square-ended vehicles, and this VV . includes almost all commercials, the law-pressure area that forms at the rear •...