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I have read with total surprise, and some concern, articles in the trade press alleging that our previous general secretary, David Higgmbottom, had been forced out of office, as he was standing in the way of a possible merger with the TGWU and subsequently enhanced pensions for some individuals.
Being a full time officer with the union, I and my fellow officers were notified by our president on the eve of our biannual rules and policy conference that David had in fact resigned on agreed terms. Whilst we were advised that it was due to "seri
ous policy differences" it has never been suggested that it was in any way related to possible mergers.
I have worked for this union for over 20 years, having had the opportunity to serve our members in a number of capacities, including regional officer, national recruitment officer, mobile office manager and a term as the president. It has always been that URTU policy is decided by the membership at conference and never dictated by any individual or minority group. The union policy was, prior to our recent conference and still remains, that of providing a dedicated professional service to members employed in the road transport distribution industry as an independent specialised trade union.
This union has survived and flourished for over 110 years based on its firm principles and commitments to its members well-being. Fundamental principles such as "the right For workers to belong to a trade union of their choice" which we remain rightly committed to, despite the fact that other trade unions may well be having difficulties with this concept I do not believe that the best interests of our members or indeed those employed in the road transport industry, would be served by what could be the loss of an independent, alternative and well-respected voice, through a merger with any other organisation. There may well have been one or two difficulties between certain individuals recently, but nevertheless the future is, I believe, most sound for UR'TU continuing as a potent voice for lorry drivers.
I am a nominated candidate for the forthcoming general secretary election. I have over 15 years remaining before retire, so pensions are way down my list of priorities. I want to continue to provide the very best of service to our members, to build on the successful projects that David introduced and to carry out the memberships' current policy decisions as an 'independent' road transport union.
let me further assure everyone that, should there be individuals within the organisation seeking merger-related `golden handshakes' then I. for one, will certainly continue to stand in their way.
Mike 13illingharn Genera) Secretary Election Candidate, URTU.