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Great But No Cigar
Following the success of MO ferries' new security arrangements in Calais, how long will it be before the French require proof that the illegals found on board actually boarded......
Merger Conflicts
I have read with total surprise, and some concern, articles in the trade press alleging that our previous general secretary, David Higgmbottom, had been forced out of office, as......
Tax Club As An Owner-driver Of 15 Years And A
fully paid up member of the government tax club, I find the urge to write to you stronger than ever. On the government's announcement of vehicle excise duty reductions, it would......
Stanza To Reason Gordon Brown, He Is A Fool—
Won't reduce duty on our fuel. Says cars can have it from next year, But ultra-low-sulphur diesel is already here. Hauliers and farmers are going to the wall But he won't reduce......