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WE HAVE ALREADY referred to the fact that members of the Commercial Motor Users Association have formed among themselves an employers' federation which shall deal with all questions of labour conditions, wages, etc. So far there hasbeen no one who could speak with authority on behalf of employers should any of these questions come up for discussion and negotiation, nor was there anybody available to act on behalf of motor -transport employers in the setting up of conciliation boards between employers and workmen. The committee of the Commercial Motor Users Association has given this matter consideration, and discussed the question as to whether the C.M.U.A. could so alter, its constitution as to en-able it to act as a trade union, or whether it should form a separate, body to undertake the work, and it was decided, as we have already said, to form a separate body, which owners could join in order to secure co-operation on all questions of labour conditions. It is not intended, to touch public-service vehicles at all The omnibus interests will be forming their own organization for this purpose. Therefore, the new Motor Transport Employers' Federation, as it will be called, will only be concerned with freight vehicles. The Federation will work harmoniously with the men's unions, the _. aim of all being that questions concerning the relations between employer and employed shall be settled by conference betu. 'een the representative bodies on either side.
'The constitution of the Federation is now being drawn -up, and .under the terms of 'that constitution each member will have to agree to abide by the decisions of . the central council on all matters that come within the scope of its activities. The subscription is intended to be one guinea for an owner of not More than four vehicles, plus an addition on 'a
slidingpayable by owners of . any:vehicles beyondthat number. This scale of subscriptions, and also the scale of eontributions to the emergency fund which will be formed will be based on the number of -employees or vehicles, or upon the amount of wages paid ; in other words, the lines of the new Federation will closely follow upon those adopted for employers' federations in other industries. The headquarters of the Federation will . bein London, with Mr. Frederick Bristow, F.C.I.S., 83, Pall Mall,
S.W. 1, as general secretary. • There will also be formed in different districts about the country what will be known as district associations. The area of operation of the London district association will be the Metropolitan Police area. In some parts of the country there already exist employers' associations, and these will be in., vited to affiliate to the central body. Mr. F. G. Bristow will act as secretary to the London District 'Motor Employers' Association.