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A FEW HOURS after the last issue of TED COMMERCIAL MOTOR had closed for press an announcement was made by the Gas Traction...
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p ERUSAL OF the recent articles descriptive of the Halley and Coramer Car chassis which have appeared in recent issues of this...
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That the taxicab crawls no longer. That so far the Ford Make-a-Roller attachment has not appeared, but it's sure to come. Of...
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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all diOlculties of transport at whatever paints arising, as a carriage is by . the...
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The Latest Official Circular and its Far-reaching Instructions to Save Petrol Supplies. I T WILL BE RECALLED that in a recent...
W E HAVE ALREADY referred to the fact that members of the Commercial Motor Users Association have formed among themselves an...
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Great Future for Commercial iews of a Leading Manufacturer. A REPRESENTATIVEtof THE,. COMMERCIAL MOTOR recently bad the...
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Continued Collection of Fees, Despite Absence of Opportunity for Development. By W. J. Hickman. I HAVE READ with considerable...
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There is a general tendency on the part if the incs.ering public to imagine that European ,lotor-vehicle manufacturing concerns...
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No. 15.—Overhauling and Repairing. Re-erecting. (Conclusion.) Assuming that all the parts of the wagon have been overhauled...
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Some Timely Hints and Wrinkles. You May Use Gas 'Bottles." Judging from inquiries and correspondence coming to the editorial...
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BY FORD. The Conversion Unit and the Small Farmer. W HY CANNOT I put my car to work on the land? I do not want it on the...
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A Curious American Agrimotor with a Novel Arrangement of Chain Track. One of the most novel small tractors which America has...
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A Branch of the Industry Which is Likely to Appeal to Many Who Have Been War-Educated to the Petrol Motor. By "The Inspector....
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"Enquire Within." "When the Todgers set out to do anything they do it very well," said Charles Dickens, and the same principle...
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A PRIZE OF TEN SHILLINGS is awarded each week to the tender of the best letter - which, we publish on this page ; all others...
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A Simplified Ignition System. The object of this invention, specification No. 107,388, by M. A. Violet, is to limit the...