New Equipment and Processes ,
Page 53

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Tamper-proof Fuel Control
AN excess-fuel device for use when .starting oil engines, which cannot be " fiddled " during normal running to increase the fuel supply when accelerating or climbing hills, is announced by Simms Motor Units, Ltd., Oak Lane, East Finchley, London, N.2.
The control is fitted to the fuel-injection pump body; it operates on the end of the control rod or rack, when the knurled outer cover is turned through 45. A torsion spring immediately returns the cover to the pre-set position. Even if the outer cover is not permitted to return to its original position through being fixed in any way, excess. fuel cannot be obtained because of an internal baulk device which operates whilethe engine is running, thus preventing the emission Of excessive smoke during normal working.
(Right) Produced by butt-welding two plates together, aluminium plate similar to that shown can be made in widths up to 11 ft. by the Northern
Aluminium Co., Ltd.
Improved Nipple Former A'improved tool for the cold-forming of nipples on high-pressure fuel-injection pipes is now available from Simms Motor Units, Ltd., Oak Lane, London, N.2. It is said to produce a satisfactory integral nipple rapidly and with the minimum of effort. Collets and a former suitable for 6-mm. or 8-mm.-diameter pipes can be supplied.
Aluminium Plate 11-ft. Wide A LUMINIUM plate for general engin
eering purposes is now obtainable in widths up to tl ft. from the Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., Banbury, Oxfordshire. Developed by the company to overcome limitations of rolling equipment which have previously restricted such plates to widths of 7 ft. or less, the new product is manufactured by buttwelding two plates together.
Welding is carried out automatically in a special jig, precautions being taken to obviate distortion. Because the welding bead is ground flush, the resulting wide plate is said to be comparable in appearance with normal rolled material.
Semi-Automatic Welding
CEMI-AUTOMATIC equipment for 6---/ shielded, inert-gas metal-arc welding has been developed• by Quasi-Arc, Ltd., Bastian, Staffs. A consumable bare electrode is fed at a controlled rate into the molten pool, which is protected by a con tinuous shield of inert gas. This gas shield also safeguards the metal in the arc from contamination by the atmosphere. No flux is required, whibt it is stated that there is no slag to remove and the even metal transfer ensures neat, smooth welds.
Items comprising the equipment are a welding rectifier, a wire feed and control unit and a welding gun which can be cooled by either water or air.
Applications of the gear include welding aluminium and its alloys, copper and its alloys, corrosion-resisting steels, mild steel and so on. Welding speeds are claimed to be high. In aluminium, using 7k-in.-diameter wire at a current of
245 amps, a horizontal-vertical fillet weld can be deposited at an overall weld • ing speed of I ft. 6 in. per minute.
V-Block For Varied Work A DOUBLEGROOVED V block, tl which grips the work piece magnetically and will secure itself to a machine table or other metallic surface by the same means, has been introduced by James Neill and Co. (Sheffield), Ltd., Napier Street, Sheffield, 11. It weighs just under 9 lb., and is 4 in. long, 21 in. wide and 3.t in. high. It has a maximum
capacity in the large V of 21 in., whilst the smaller V accommodates material up to fin. diameter.
Although the device is primarily designed for holding round work, rectangular and other sections may also be held. Single uMts cost £11 5s. each and matched pairs £23 10s. per set.
Fast Charging
A N automatic starter-charger, which applies a high initial current to a discharged battery and reduces it to a mere trickle charge on completion of the charging cycle, has been introduced by Partridge, Wilson and Co., Ltd.,•Evington Valley Road, Leicester.
An electro-meehanical device operating on the Constant-voltage system, is incorporated in the circuit, and is similar to the voltage regulator used on vehicles.
The equipment also provides engine. starting and normal-charging facilities.
New Wiring Tester A USEFUL' acceSSOry -in the form of
a PoIco line tester for tracing faults in electrical circuits is being marketed by the Pool Clock Co., 30 City Road, London, E.C.I.
A translucent plastics handle houses a small feStoon bulb rated at 6-24 v., and has a spring socket at one end for gripping a pointed test probe or screw-driver
attachment. The opposite end of the handle forms a socket for a push-in plug and a length of flex with crocodile clip for attachment to an earthing point. Illumination of the bulb indicates current fi ov..
Automatic Dipping APHOTO-ELECTWIC cell employing cadmium sulphide for the photosensitive element has been introduced by Mallard Ltd., Torrington Place, London, W.C.1. It is said to be some 20,000 times more sensitive than the conventional photo-emissive cell.
Sufficient current to operate a large relay direct without the need for intermediate ariiplification is claimed to be available even from weak sources of light. Among potential applications for the cell is that of automatic headlight dippers.