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⢠A LL transport associations should support the Royal Automobile Club in their plea to the Home Office for definite legal...
Resettlement at Perkins on Television M ANY thousands of people must have seen the B.B.C. Panorama programme on January 27,...
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Of many lorries with valuable loads being stolen. That some drivers treat loads worth many thousands of pounds as if they were...
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BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT TIDESPREAD complaints from hauliers about irregular activities by W farmers have prompted...
NAEMBERSHIP of the clearing house 01 group of the Road Haulage Association has been opened to hauliers whose business includes...
A HAULIER who started shouting at rA. the Transport Tribunal in London, on Monday, was warned by the president, Mr. Hubert...
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F URTHER concessions to manufacturers of vehicles for export are proposed by the Ministry of Transport. Makers are already...
THREE test cases on balancing charges I have now been selected by the Road Haulage Association to be presented to the Special...
rORRECT observance of the rules concerning the use of double white lines would be made mandatory when sufficient roads had...
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MR, J. L. DICKIN FON, secretary, has been elected special director of the Skefko Ball Bearing Co., Ltd. Mg. L. J. ROSE has...
I NTRODUCED to meet the needs of power units handling loads in the 40tons-plus class, a new gearbox to take 650 lb.-ft. torque...
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A USTIN trucks are playing a great part in this enterprise. Kinnear Moodie & Co. Ltd. arc the Civil Engineering Contractors...
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BEFORE granting a new A licence for two vehicles to the Inters City Transport . and Trading Co., Ltd., Cumbernauld, on Tuesday,...
G IVING supporting evidence at Leeds on Tuesday, Mr. Lindsay, commercial manager of Calder Vale Glassworks, said that they...
A PPLYING for extra vehicles on theit Skipton-Llandudno express service, three operators claimed at Blackpool, on Tuesday,...
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QIX new tankers for the carriage of 1 , -) bulk cement and ground limestone were on Monday added to the A licence of Messrs. R....
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P OSSIBLY the largest outfits of their type ever made in Britain, three hopper-type four-wheeled trailers for the transport of...
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A MANUFACTURER of mosquito f. and nylon nets told the Western Licensing Authority last week. that be was unable to get the...
S °ME journeys operated by Crosville Motor Services, Ltd., from Queen's Park Estate, Wrexham, into the town centre. are to be...
B Y granting variations to the conditions of three B-licence vehicles operated by the Plymouth Transport Co., Ltd., the Western...
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THE time had come to ease the leash I on an operator who had been tightly restricted because of former irregular operations...
A COACH operator who admitted that he had been operating an irregular hire service for miners, was last week granted a licence...
W HEN summoned last week at Down ham Market, Norfolk, for permit ting offences concerning hours of rest and drivers' records,...
T HE prototype M.C.W. bodied Arcadian coach, which was exhibited at the 1956 Commercial Motor Show, is being sought by an...
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R ECORDS kept by a Gloucestershire transport company indicated that on a particular day, the same vehicle was being driven by...
A N application by E. H. Sims, Ltd., Sheffield, for a new holiday express service to London Airport (The Commercial Motor,...
U NABLE to reach agreement with Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., over alleged anomalies in fares and stages in Carlisle. the city...
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A N application for a short-term B tt licence for two vehicles to carry opencast coal and building materials within 25 miles of...
rk A RESOLUTION that a much larger road programme was necessary than that proposed for 1961-2 was moved in the House of Lords...
T HE North Western Traffic Commissioners could not lightly disitiss detailed and commonsense representations made by a private...
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G. Duncan Jewell Comes Into of B.R.S. Its Own T HE opening of a new British Road Services depot at Albert Edward Dock,...
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S INCE the prototype of a new eightspeed gearbox with a built-in epicyclic train was displayed by the Moss Gear Co., Ltd.,...
A ' public transport can never satisfy everyone, the operator's golden rule should be to satisfy the majority, according to Sir...
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Offers Cumulative Benefits An Operator Who has been Running Regularly to the Continent for a Year, Carrying 50 Tons a Week,...
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Two new ambulances specially designed to operate over rough or swampy ground in the tropics have been shipped to British...
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E XTERNALLY similar to the Mark 15 74-tanner, the new Seddon Mark 15/10 chassis announced in last week's issue of The...
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Ancillary Fleet Built up by Polycell Products, Ltd., Reduces Distribution Costs and Speeds Delivery Service A LTHOUGH the...
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Tamper-proof Fuel Control A N excess-fuel device for use when . starting oil engines, which cannot be " fiddled " during...
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By a Special Correspondent \ T HE expansion of the Yorkshire group of hauliers headed by Peter Slater Ltd., Gildersome, is...
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THE three brothers who now direct Sansom Bros. (Sheffield), Ltd., told the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners, last week, that...
S TATIST ICS must be positive, relative and indicative of what really happened, said Mr. A. T. Hills when addressing the London...
A COMPLETE swing from petrol to oil engines in taxis was foreshadowed by Mr. D. S. D. Williams, editor of The Oil Engine and...
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rl-flEFLY to enable small and little used branch offices to be closed down, the Ministry of Labour have taken delivery of a...
D ETAILS of the two compulsory tests to be used in all the eliminating rounds of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition this...
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I READ with great interest your leading article in the issue of The Commercial Motor dated January 10, referring to the...
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I NSURANCE companies are apparently still trying to deduct income tax from amounts paid to operators on claims for the loss of...
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LE AFLET raids over the field of State ownership are now being carried out by both the major political parties, and with each...
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T HE problem of deciding the most opportune time at which to replace vehicles is difficult. Consideration of the factors...
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ri A BRAKE in which the applied force is amplified by the movement of the disc is shown in patent No. 788,841. It is so...