appointment as sales director of a garage in Abingdon.
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Mr. P. G. D. Taylor has been appointed group secretary of the Road Haulage Association. He succeeds Mr. M. Rogers, who has taken up a post outside the transport industry.
Mr. C. Barnett, formerly senior technical sales representative with Atkinson Vehicles (London) Ltd., has joined the Marston Motor Co. Ltd., Tottenham, London, N.15, as assistant sales director.
Mr. C. E. Juggins has been appointed Midland area sales manager for Rapier Tools Ltd. Mr. J. F. Young and Mr. M. R. Fowler become London area representatives and Mr. C. Reilly, Scottish area representative.
Dr. B. A. Jarrett and Mr. A. McQuillan have been appointed directors of E.N.V. Engineering Co. Ltd., of Willesden, London, N.W.10. Dr. Jarrett joined C.A,V. Ltd., of Acton, in 1947 and progressed to factory manager. He joined E.N.V. in May, 1963, as manager of sales and engineering. Mr. McQuillan joined E.N.V. in 1954 as chief accountant and later became commercial manager and company secretary. Mr. G. G. Fearnley, traffic superintendent at Accrington, has been appointed deputy transport manager with the West Hartlepool Corporation transport department as from April 1.
Sir Bernard Waley-Cohen has accepted an invitation to become a director of Tudor Accessories Ltd. Sir Bernard was Lord Mayor of London in 1960-61 and is an underwriting member of Lloyds. Mr. Lawrence Lowenthal has been appointed joint managing director of Tudor Accessories and Mr. S. H. Jaffa has been promoted from general manager to sales director. Mr. R. W. Allen, who has been with the company for 17 years, has been appointed general manager.
Mr. W. F. Quin, the Scottish Licensing Authority, has accepted the chairmanship of the organizing committee of the Scottish round of the Lorry Driver of the Year competition. Mr. R. G. Torrance is vice-chairman.
Mr. G. E. Liardet, chairman of Simms Motor Units Ltd., was the guest of honour at a dinner given recently by his fellow-director and general manager, Mr. H. R. Daddow, to mark the 35th anniversary of the day on which Mr. Liardet joined the company.
Mr. Herbert Hitchen has retired from his official capacity as head of the technical services department of the wire rope division of British Ropes Ltd., Doncaster. I-le will be succeeded by Mr. J. M. Dobie. It is understood that Mr. Hitchen will continue his association with the company in the capacity of consultant technical engineer.
An American, Mr. John D. Caplan, has won Britain's premier automobile engineering award of 1963, the CromptonLanchester Medal of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Mr. Caplan is head of the fuels and lubricants department of General Motors research laboratories in Detroit, and is an authority on problems of air pollution from automobile engines. His award, made by the Council of the Automobile Division of the Institution, is for a paper on the causes and control of automobile emissions. Mr. Caplan will receive his medal from the chairman of the Automobile Division, Mr. S. H. Grylls, al the Institution's headquarters, I Birdcage Walk, Westminster, S.W.1, on March 10.
Mr. F. A. Stockdale, barrister, has been elected a master of the Bench of Gray's Inn. Mr. Stockdale has represented most of the major -p.s.v. undertakings before Traffic Commissioners up and down the country.
Mr. John E. Dodds has taken up the position of general manager of Minories Garage, Carlisle. Mr. Geoffrey Mr. Hills.
Hills has been appointed Mitchell and Butlers Ltd. transport manager. With more than four years' experience as assistant transport manager, he went to Cape Hill, Birmingham, with a comprehensive knowledge of the brewing industry gained during nine years with London breweries, during which time he completed a training course in brewing. bottling and transport and subsequently had exper;ence as an area manager. The reorganization of the transport department, groundwork on the planning of the new transport workshops and garage soon to be opened, and technical innovations like the redesigning of commercialvehicle bodies and cabs on the drays have been his immediate involvement since joining this company. Always a keen sportsman, 37-year-old Mr. Hills has covered a wide range of pursuits, including rugby football—playing for Birmingham—swimming and sailing.
Mr. E. W. Madge, Dunlop's director of research, was presented with the Colwyn Medal—the rubber industry's honour for outstanding achievement—at the annual dinner of the Institution of Rubber Industry at London's Savoy Hotel recently. Joining Dunlop in 1926, Mr, Madge has been associated with research and development throughout his career with the company.