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' Leyland Launches M. Training Scheme
n ETAILS of a new and comprehensive trainin g scheme which involves the investment of £250,000 and which will cater for youn g men from apprentices ri g ht throu g h to......
No Decision Yet On Bristol Parking
THE Minister of Transport is consider'. in g what provision to make for the parkin g of lorries in a proposed extension of Bristol's controlled parkin g zone. Mr. Marples said......
Rural Transport Talks
MR. MARPLES is consultin g the 1V1 associations representin g Welsh local authorities and bus operators with a view to establishin g what practical measures were best calculated......
Reduce Tax, Say Busmen
R EPRESENTATIVES of road passeng er operators' associations were received by Mr. Macmillan, economic secretary to the Treasury, to discuss the industry's case for the remission......
News In Brief
White Collar Charter: Au g ust 1 has been named as the day when most of the requirements of the Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act, 1963, come into force. This will affect......