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Warning on Rural Buses

21st January 1966
Page 38
Page 38, 21st January 1966 — Warning on Rural Buses
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

-FOCAL authorities who persistently attacked -R-'bus companies over fares increases were warned last week that unless economic fares were charged rural services would disappear altogether.

• Speaking at a Press conference, Mr. I. L. Gray, general manager of Western Welsh Omnibus Co. Ltd., said it was about time the local authorities realized that bus services must be provided. This could he done only with economic fares.

The question of increasing fares, he said, was always a matter of some national importance. Unfortunately they were always attacked by the local authorities, who probably thought they were doing their duty.

Mr. Gray pointed out that since 1939 bus fares had increased on average somewhere in the region of 150 per cent. Fuel tax since 1949 had increased by 217 per cent, national health insurance and graduated contributions by 200 per cent, rates to local authorities by 454 per cent

and this was most important—wages by 500 per cent. At the same time the dividend to shareholders was slightly less than in 1949.