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F there a need for a new professional organization to cater especially for the operating side of Aand C-licensed road...
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T HE Minister of Transport, Mrs. Barbara Castle, is to have talks with road haulage representatives and others about the...
LY formal signing of the agreements was needed this week to complete the revolutionary pay and productivity deals affecting...
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BRADFORD hauliers, hit again at Hull docks by the dockers' unofficial strike on Tuesday, have decided to charge shipowners for...
THE Ministry of Transport is to send a team 4 of officials to the United States to discuss with the Department of Commerce and...
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT C OME hauliers Chosen for the Ministry of Transport's survey of road transport costs (COMMERCIAL...
that Coventry Corporation could no longer provide administrative facilities for the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition, the...
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Mr. T. G. Gibb surveys road transport in talk to loT Humberside section 64 'THERE is a lot of misunderstanding • I about what...
A T the recent meeting of the car transportei group of the RHA, consideration was giver to the problem of the use of trade...
pISH distribution by the road services of the Fleetwood Fish Merchants' Association has been "very satisfactory for merchants...
MAJOR A NEW, completely restyled cab and body are now available on the Major range of 30 cwt. electric vehicles made by W. and...
A COHERENT and dynamic policy to deal with urban traffic and congestion, which was rapidly becoming one of the nation's most...
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Anti-theft measures to be extended T HE 1966 campaign against the lorry thief will open with a meeting in London on January 31...
HOPES of early agreement on the vexed question of allowing private road hauliers access to the proposed liner-train terminals...
E ACH year H. P. Bulmer and Co. Ltd., EACH Hereford, the world's largest cider makers, distribute approximately 120,000 tons of...
THE marked coolness in official relations between the British and Spanish Governments as a result of the Gibraltar problem...
C OMMERCIAL vehicle operators are invited to attend a special open meeting of the Northern maintenance advisory committee in...
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RHA man rejects Geddes 1 E new Minister of Transport had a difficult enough task without having to take party politics into...
T HE whole of the issued share capitals of Excavation Haulage Ltd. and Northwest Plant Hire Ltd. have been acquired by...
by Norman H. Tilsley A REDUCTION in rates and journey time for semi-trailers carried by rail between Rotterdam and Paris...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT A NEW programme of development for arterial roads is under way at the Ministry of Transport....
aREATER London Council and TRTA officers are to co-operate in pilot schemes to explore every possible way of providing extra...
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A "QUITE WORTHLESS" application supported by evidence "of most ephemeral quality" could not possibly justify an ambitious bid...
T HE struggle between coach operators in the north-west for a share in the traffic to Butlin's holiday camp at PwIlheli...
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N EARLY £5,000 had been spent by Rows Transport (Muirkirk) Ltd. to sustain the haulage business formerly operated by Mr. J. E....
AT Birmingham on Wednesday, Starr Road' ways Ltd., of Bilston, successfully applied to switch four vehicles on B licence and...
o N Tuesday. William Makinson (Manches ter) ter) Ltd., of Manchester 9, lost three of their five excursions and tours licences...
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B-to-A switch was refused last week by the West Midland Licensing Authority, Mr. J. Else, at Hanley. Mr. A. Coines, for the...
A WEST COUNTRY plant hire chief was told by the Western Licensing Authority, Mr. J. R. C. Samuel-Gibbon, to "get off his high...
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1 HE need for short-term solutions of Oxford's traffic congestion was emphasized by Mr. W. M. Drawers, chairman of City of...
buses and coaches in Britain is to be made by Mercedes-Benz Ltd., who will exhibit a coach modified to comply with British...
NEW LIFE FOR NORTHERN RELIANCES N luxury coaches with Willowbrook Viking 37-seat bodies delivered to the Northern General...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT I N spiteof the personal intervention of Mr. Maurice Holmes, chairman of the London...
ANNUAL increases in Glasgow City Transport 1-2 • fares may be avoided as a result of talks taking place between the department...
o N Friday, Mr. F. H. Pengelly, traffic manager of the Western Welsh Omnibus Co. Ltd., told a Press conference that the company...
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'THE first public inquiries to be held by the A recently appointed Isle of Man Traffic Commissioners took place in the Island...
Mr. Erie Kay, formerly technical assistant (executive) to the chief engineer, Leyland Motors Ltd., has been appointed technical...
- FOCAL authorities who persistently attacked -R- 'bus companies over fares increases were warned last week that unless...
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'TH E unanimous confidence of the board of Dennis Bros. Ltd. in the viability and future prospects of the company was expressed...
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TH the introduction of four new four wheel models this week, the current range of commercial vehicles offered by AB Volvo, of...
A SUPPLEMENT to the fifth edition of ' Bingham's Motor Claims Cases is now available from Butterworth and Co. (Publishers)...
THE sort of difficulties met with in I exporting commercial vehicles were well illustrated by M. Bechet de Balan, export...
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Vauxhall Motors Ltd. is one from Pakistan for 400 Bedford 3-ton chassis to be delivered to Ghandera Industries by March. Other...
35-ton range will be around 10 per cent cheaper, on average, as a result of the company's continuing standardization programme...
from Panama—a stronghold for sales of North American vehicles—for 60 Chieftain trucks. Other recent orders from Nicaragua,...
T HE second of the case hardening methods is really a series of processes having but one common requirement, the need for a...
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and publications For removing millscale A SUBSTANCE called Ferropaste for removing millscale on metal has been introduced by...
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Those Low-speed Signs H AVE you noticed some of the ridiculous places where they (whoever "they" may be) have positioned those...
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(me the talking ended BY R. H. PHILLIPSON, Secretary, British Road Federation TN a winter that by most standards has been...
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Maintenance—and Safety IT WOULD be unwise to suggest that the Council of the IRTE has had in mind all the messages contained...
A S had confidently been expected by the stock market the year that ended on September 30 last was another period of trading...
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A QUICK LOOK AT SOME OF BRITAIN'S EXPANDING HAULAGE GROUPS By a Special Correspondent C URRENTLY a fairly substantial and...
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The question of conditions of carriage seems an ominous and forbidding subject to most of the practical operators in road...
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DOAD hauliers who inevitably will be INinvolved in collecting and delivering the vastly increased tonnages that will be sent by...
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O NE or two strange judgments on the road transport industry have been made over the past year or so and have been fairly...
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R OAD haulage differs from many other industries in that entry into it can be made with the smallest of units, namely one...
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IT is frequently claimed 'that the main reason for the weak provision of road transport education in the remoter and the lesser...