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"The wheels of tvestiala will be slowed by all diOculties of transport at whatever points arisin, as a carriage is 61 the roughness of Me roads oiler which it runs."—john Beattie Crozier.
London Streets "Up."
The Minister of Transport is now publishing weekly a statement showing the streets in the centre of London on which works of road maintenance and improvement are in progress. The statement is only intended to deal with works by road authorities which involve a third or more of the carriageway.
The information, in the form of a schedule of affected streets and the length of time which each job will occupy, lies before us, and the question arises as to the manner in which we can be of assistance in bringing it before our readers. As we understand it, the information will be prepared on a Monday, issued to the Press on Monday evening, and will reach our hands on Tuesday morning of each week. It could then not appear in The Commercial Motor until the following Tuesday, the information, therefore, being eight days late in connection with any of the works mentioned in the schedule, and, in some cases, this work will have been completed in the interval, or, at the time of publication of the information, will be on the verge of completion.
We think the best course that we can adopt is to suggest that readers having any doubt as to whether a road is closed, or knowing it to be closed and desiring to be informed of an alternative route, should telephone to the Editor (Clerkenwell 6000), when the information will be readily given. To publish the information would occupy at least a whole page of this journal every week, and we rather feel that our telephone service here offered would answer all the requirements of those readers who are in need of the information.
Big Increase in the Licensing Figures.
The figures giving the number of motor licencea for the six months to the end of May have just been published, and they show that, up to that date, the number of cars taxed on h.p. totalled 532,909, as compared . with 425,705 at the end of the first quarter and with 433,212 at May 31st, 1924, the increase in the 12 months being 99,697. Motorcycles in the twelve months have increased by 72,000. The number of commercial motor vehicles registered on May 31st last was 216,966, which is 10,164 more than were registered on February 28th last, and 22,787 more than were registered a year earlier. The number of road locomotives registered was 2,226, as compared with 1,378 in February last, and 2,202 in May, 1924. The number of motor ploughs registered has now reached 14,079, which is 53 more than at the same date a year previous. Motor tractors are slightly fewer than•theyswere, numbering now 1,252,. as compared with 1,071 in February and 1,339 in May, 1924. Motor hackneyvehicleS were registered at the end of May last to the number of 92,024, or 6,548 more than a year earlier, when the figure stood at 85,476, the number at the end of February being 75,876. The exempted vehicles, which include
fire-engines, ambulances and vehicles in use by the Forces, numbered 14,912, as compared with 13,366 a year earlier.
Competing with Municipal Services.
An extensive programme has been put in hand by the Blaydon Motor Omnibus Owners' Association with a view to enabling its members to compete successfully with the new direct bus service between. Stocksfield and Prudhoe and Newcastle, recently inaugurated by the Newcastle Corporation Transport and Electricity Undertaking.
A large motorbus station is being constructed by the Association upon a site lying between Bewick Street -and Neville Street, in the centre of the city. A solid cement foundation is being made at a cost of about £400, and this will be completed in the next week or two. At a later date the site will be roofed over with glass and waiting-room
facilities provided. So soon as the foundations are ready the station will be utilized as the terminus for the 70odd vehicles operated by its membera.
The rates for the site are said to be in the vicinity of £300 per year, but the private owners are well content with the scheme, as in the past they have been obliged to pay anything up to £3 per week for standing places in scattered parts of the city.
Standing in London Buses.
The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis has recently notified all omnibus proprietors running publicservice vehicles in the Metropolitan Police District and the City of Londoe that, on and after August 4th next, they must adhere to the provisions of Sections 13 and 15 of the Railway Passengers' Duty' Act, 1842, which lay down that no vehicle shall carry a greater number of passengers than is provided for by the seating accommodation
The Commissioner has appreciated the necessity for the allowance of eertain latitude at rush periods, and has instructed the Police to permit buses to carry vo standing passenger's "(the number at present permitted) before 8.30 a.m. turd between 4.30 p.m. and 6.30 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays inclusive, and between 12.30 and 2.30 on. Saturdays. These times, however, do not appear to be particularly well chosen, for a careful study of the volume of business people carried up to 9 am. and up to 7 p.m. would suggest that the times could with advantage be extenZled to these hours.
A " C.M." Vacancy.
The scope of The Commercial Motor continues to expand, and there is, in -consequence, an opening on the business staff for a gentleman of about 30 years of 'age. Applicants, who should have a fair knowledge of the commercial motor industry and possess some experience in, or aptitude for, the solicitation of advertisement orders, are asked to write to the Manager, Temple Press Ltd., 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, Loudon, E.C.1.
The Next Road Congress.
The International Road Congress was instituted in 1908, the first of the series being held in Paris, the next was held in Brussels in 1910, and the third in London in 1913. The fourth had been arranged to be held in 1915 in Germany, but, the war intervening, the fourth Congress was not held until 1923, the proceedings taking place in Seville.
The fifth Congress has now been arranged to be held in September, 1926, at Milan, by the invitation of the Italian Government. The dates are from September 6th to September 13th inclusive, and the sections under which the papers will fall are :—First, Construction and Maintenance; second, Traffic and Administration.
In the first section there will be papers on :—(a) Concrete Roads: The Progress Achieved in the Use of Materials for the Construction of Roads in Cement-concrete ; (b) Bituminous and Asphaltic Roads : Qualities Required in the Materials Employed ; (c) The Standardization of Tests for Coal Tar, Bitumens' and Asphalt.
Under the second section, questions to be discussed will be :—(d) Census of Traffic. The search for uniform and internationalbases for adoption in every country. (e) The Development and Planning of Towns in the Interests of Traffic ; showing the progress achieved in the general control of traffic. (f) Special Roads Reserved for Motor Traffic ; the conditions that justify their construction and the appropriate authorities for their initiation and construction.
In connection with the Congress there will be an international exhibition for the display of materials and plant used for road making and road maintenance, whilst space will be allotted to manufacturers of motor appliances and vehicles of interest to road engineers.
During the week covered b? the proceedings, visits will be made to some of the highways constructed and in course of construction around Milan, particularly the Autodrome at Monza, where one of the Grand Prix tests is to take place, and the new Autostrades, or motorways, which connect Milan with the Italian Lakes. The closing session will take place at Rome.
All British inquiries, and more especially with regard to the exhibition, should be addressed to the hon. secretary of the British Organizing Committee (Road Congress), Ministry of Transport, 7, Whitehall Gardens, Lon don, S.W.1. •
A Large Order for Trolley-buses.
The tramways committee of the Chesterfield Corporation has accepted the tender of Clough, Smith and Co., Ltd., at £28,464 for the conversion of the existing tramways overhead equipment; for the new overhead equipment required for Low Pavement, Vicar Lane and St. Mary's Gate route; for the alterations to the car depot, and for the supply of 16 trolley-buses. Application is to -be made for a loan and also for a loan of £10,000 for the reinstatement of roads which is involved by the change-over from the tramway system to railless traction. We hope to deal more fully in our next issue with the tramways manager's report, which was prepared to show the advantages of trolley-buses for service in the town.
An Underground Parking Site.
For some time there has been an obvious need in Middlesbrough for an adequate parking ground in order to assist in the regulation of the extensive volume of motor traffic in the town. With a view to meeting the need, the corporation watch committee is now considering a unique and ambitious scheme for the alteration and adaptation of Victoria Square (a centrally situated site) into an underground parking site at a cost of approximately £50,000.
An Engineer Available.
We know of an engineer who has had over 15 years' experience with steam wagons, both in the shops and as engineer in charge of large fleets. He has been responsible for carrying out various improvements whereby running costs were considerably reduced, and is now seeking a situation where his experience can be utilized. Letters addressed " C.J.S.," care of the Editor, will be forwarded to the proper quarter.
A 106-ton Load by Road.
In our issue dated June 30th we published a short paragraph dealing with the haulage of a 106-ton load consisting of a stator for a new 25,000 kw. generator from Manchester to Liverpool, where it has been installed at the Lister-drive Power Station. The stator weighed nearly 91 tons.
The magnitude of the task of hauling this load can be properly appreciated if reference be made to the illustration repfoduced on this page, where it will be seen that two large Fowler
road locomotives, in the service of Norman E. Box, Ltd., of Manchester, are hauling the stator on an eight • wheeled truck which was specially built for the contract, and which answered the purpose very satisfactorily. It is worthy of note that both the road locomotives are shod with rubber tyres.
Swedish Imports.
Returns just to hand show that the imports of commercial motor vehicles into Sweden during May last amounted to 304 machines valued at approximately £26,450, as contrasted with 436 vehicles in the same month a year ago.
Bus Tyre Maintenance.
The tramways committee of the Chesterfield Corporation has accepted the tender of the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., for the maintenance of pneumatic bus tyres at the price of .7611. per mile per set of four tyres of 36-in. by 6-in. or 38-in. by 7-in. dimensions.
Fire Pumps for the L.C.C.
The London County Council has just accepted the tender of Dennis Bros., Ltd., for the provision of five new motor pumps, at a cost of £6,975, with a deduction of £1,375 as an allowance for five old machines.
The tender of another company was only slightly in excess of that of Dennis Bros., Ltd., although the allowance for the old pumps was much less.
Saurer Buses in Switzerland.
The Berne Tramways Co. are the latest tramway undertaking to adopt motorbuses, seven Saurer single-deck vehicles having lately been put in use to serve suburban districts of Berne in place of constructing new lines of tramway. The buses are running on two routes, 3 and 31 miles long respectively, three being used on each route, leaving one vehicle in reserve for use in emergency. The buses, which are fitted with four-cylinder engines developing 55 h.p. at 1,300 r.p.m., provide seating accommodation for 25 passengers, the entrance door being at the side of the driver.
A Mobile Smithy.
The North Riding of Yorkshire Rural Development Sub-committee, which some time ago placed an order for a mobile smithy, has now taken delivery of the vehicle. It is shortly to inaugurate a series of tours through the scattered districts of the Riding with a view to demonstrating to rural craftsmen the value of modern methods and appliances as a means of assisting country blacksmiths who have been, in many cases, badly hit by the rapid decline in popularity of horses for a variety of agricultural tasks.
The new vehicle contains a full range of up-to-date tools and equipment, comprising a lathe, grinding and drilling machinery, a portable forge, an oil engine and oxy-acetylene plant.
It is hoped at a later date to obtain a trailer for use with the vehicle so that other classes of rural workers may be assisted to market their produce, a difficulty which at the present time is seriously affecting growers of produce, etc. The trailer, it is contended, would form a very handy means of transporting this produce to the various markets held in the neighbourhood.
Recent Orders for Lacres.
Amongst orders received by the Lacre Motor Car Co., Ltd., during June was one from the Liverpool Corporation for two Lacre sweepers, whilst the Derby Corporation has placed a repeat order with the company. Another important city to adopt Lacre sweepers is York, .where the authorities have confirmed the recommendation of the cities and buildings committee to purchase a sweeping machine of the company's manufacture.
Guys for Australia.
Messrs. Foy and Gibson, the large Australian importers, of Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane and Adelaide, have just placed an order with Guy Motors, Ltd., for four Guy 1-ton vehicles. A special feature is that the machines are to be fitted with special top tanks to the radiators, on which is to be cast the users' name in large letters. A Worm-geared Hose Clip.
One of the most useful clips for radiator hose-pipe connections and other purposes of this nature is the Jubilee.
The clip consists of a steel ribbon, in which are cut teeth meshing with a small worm with heavy square-cut threads, which is contained in a pressing carried at the other end of the ribbon. The worm ends in a head slotted for a screwdriver. The inside of the clip is quite smooth and the device has a high degree of adjustability. When being removed it opens out automatically as the worm is turned, and is then quite free_ The steel from which the clip is made is of good quality and is heavily galvanized to prevent rust.
Only four sizes of these clips are needed to fit hose from in. to 3i outside diameter. .
They are manufactured by L. Robinson and Co., London Chambers, Gillingham, Kent.
Vulcan Fuel Tankers.
Following the supply of a number of Vulcan lorries to the Rassian Oil Products, Ltd., the Vulcan Motor and Engineering. Co. (1906), Ltd., of South
port, have recently supp ied.several tank wagons to this company for carrying spirit in bulk. Two of these machines are shown in the illustration we reproduce on this page, one having a tank divided into three compartments and the other a tank which is not sectioned. Both vehicles have 2-ton chassis as their basis. The drivers' cabs give complete protection in all weathers.
Mann Wagons for Exhibition.
Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd., Hunslet, Leeds, advise us that they will be exhibiting examples of their products at the following shows:—
YorkshireShow at Bradford (July 22nd to 24th), Stand 145.
Royal Lancashire Show at Lancaster (July 30th to August 3rd), Stand 15.
Royal Welsh Show at Carmarthen (August 5th to 7th), Stand 26.
Hackney Traffic in Penzance.
At a meeting of the Penzance Watch Committee the head constable reported on the difficulties he was experiencing in dealing with the continuous increase of motor vehicles plying for hire in the borough and either picking up or setting down passengers when passing through the town.
He expressed the opinion that proprietors could facilitate the regulation
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of traffic if they would submit timetables of the running of their vehicles, and they have been communicated with and asked to meet the head constable's requirements in this matter.
Fire-engines for Belgium.
Tenders are being invited until July 29th by the municipal authorities of Anderlecht, Brussels, for the supply of a fire-pump chassis for the local fire brigade.
A Sheffield Traffic Census.
For the purpose of comparison with the traffic census taken two years ago, the city surveyor of Sheffield recently took a census in 11 streets where traffic is mostly of an industrial nature. The results• show that the weight carried has increased on an average by 25 per cent.
A.E.C. Service in Glasgow.
The Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., advise us that their Glasgow service and repair depot at 139, West George Street, will be closed during the Glasgow Trades Holidays until July 30th, although repairs will be attended to at the depot during the period of the holidays.
Bridge Repairs in Worcester.
We are informed that Pershore Lane, from its junction with the WorcesterDroitwich main road to the WorcesterAlcester• main road near Spetchley, is closed to through traffic until further notice. An alternative route lies through Worcester.
Parking Responsibility.
At a meeting of the Oxford Watch Committee a letter was received from the Royal Automobile Club asking to be allowed to take charge of the motor vehicle parking arrangements in St. Giles's, and assuming responsibility for payment to the council of charges collected.
The committee, however, decided to inform the Club that it much prefers to retain control of this matter by employing its own officials, and is not inclined to depart from the present arrangement.
Farm Tractors for Venezuela.
It is announced that the Venezuelan Government has decided that tractors intended for agricultural purposes are to be admitted into the Republic free of duty.
Co-operative Boa Services.
Oldham Corporation has granted an application by Mr. C. I. Baker, tramways manager. Ashton-under-Lyne, on behalf of the Halifax, Huddersfield, Rochdale, Oldham, and Ashton-underLyne Corporations, and the Stalybridge, Hyde, Mossley, and Dukinfield Joint Tramways and Electricity Board, applying for consent to run omnibuses through the council's area.
The object is to provide passenger road transport facilities between the various districts of Lancashire and Yorkshire, thereby linking up the border towns. The proposed basis of fares is at the rate of 1id. per passenger per mile.
Petrol-electric Buses in America. Albany, New York, is the third city in America to adopt the petrol-electric bus, Philadelphia and Atlanta having already introduced vehicles of this type. The vehicles for Albany were selected after extended use of a vehicle of this type during summer and winter.
The Capitol District Transportation Co., a subsidiary company of the United Traction Co., who are running the vehicles, have previously operated. trolley-buses and petrol vehicles, but at an early date they will have 19 petrolelectric Paged buses in service, the machinesbeing equipped with HallScott six-cylinder engines and generators and motors built by the American General Electric Co.
Municipal Orders for Guys.
Sheffield Corporation has ordered two Guy 26-seater buses. The vehicles will have an exceptionally low loading line, only one step, which is 10 ins, from the ground, being used to give access to the seating .compartment. \ Another municipal authority which has recently purchased Guy buses is the Norwich Corporation, which, after using three 30-seater buses of this make for some time, have expressed their appreciation of their running by sending a repeat order to the manufacturers for a further three Guy chassis.
Speedometers for Public-service Vehicles.
Under a new order recently issued by the Paris Prefect of Police, all public transport vehicles not exclusively used for urban service purposes must be
fitted with speedometers. Vehicle owners have been given six months within which to comply with the new. regulation. Eastbourne Bus Results.
The accounts of the Eastbourne Corporation for the year ended March 31st last show a profit of 15,078 on the motorbuses, as compared with 16,174 for the previous year. Comparative statistics are as follow :— The fleet of the corporation comprises 28 omnibuses, Leyland vehicles being used. It also has in service two lorries of the same make.
A Dennis Fire-engine for India.
The various fire-engine models produced by Dennis Bros., Ltd., of Guildford, are extremely popular with firebrigade authorities in this country, but they have also achieved equal fame overseas and large numbers are in use by municipal authorities abroad. For instance, Sydney has 19 Dennis fire-engines in service, Alexandria 11, Shanghai 7, Christchurch (New Zealand) 4, Dunedin 4, whilst the Greek Government possesses 20 such units. Dennis fire-engines are also in use by a number of brigades in India, one of the latest to be shipped to that country being the machine illustrated on this page, which is to be used for protecting the city of Hyderabad.
This machine is a 40-45 h.p. model and the engine drives a turbine pump, situated at the rear, through the medium of a longitudinal shaft and a special extension from the gearbox. Its rated output is 300 gallons of water per minute at 110 lb. pressure or 350 gallons per minute at a correspondingly reduced pressure.
an officer and the driver in front and four firemen on each side. A series of capacious lockers houses the loose tackle and equipment.
Electric lighting is standard on all Dennis fire-engines, and the machine de Accommodation is provided for a total personnel of ten, which comprises livered to Hyderabad incorporates Lucas lamps on a 12-volt circuit, together with accumulators in duplicate and a dynamo.
Youths as Drivers and Conductors.
Weymouth Watch Committee has decided that, in future, no licences will be granted in respect of public-service vehicles to persons under 21 as drivers, or to those under 18 as conductors.
R.A.C.'s New Cambridge Office. The Royal Automobile Club has opened an additional local office at 1, Benet Street, Cambridge. Mr. R. Alexander is the manager of this office, which is located at-the corner of Benet Street and Peas Hill, in the heart of the town.
Four-wheel Brakes for Buses.
Brighton 'Watch Committee has considered a suggestion that the provision of four-wheel brakes should be made compulsory on all motorbuses licensed in the borough, but has -come to the conclusion that the suggestion cannot he adopted F.W.D. Petrol Rail Vehicles.
During the past three years the Four Wheel Drive Lorry Co., Ltd., 46, Charing Cross, London, S.W., have done a large amount of experimenting with petrol rail vehicles made from standard F.W.D. units, and so successful have been their efforts in this direction that it has been decided to extend this branch of their work.
Some three months ago delivery of a shunting locomotive was made to W. and G. Knox, Ltd., of Kilbirnie, also a petrol rail chassis to the Leeds City Trainways. They have now received an order from Henry Williams, Ltd., Railway Appliance Works, Darlington. The vehicle delivered to Leeds is being used as a tower wagon with a power take-off from the gearbox for raising the tower.
The company have recently published an interesting. brochure dealing with this side of their business, ;vhich should certainly be in the hands of all those interested in the development of the motor vehicle for rail use, whether it be for shunting, the transport of goods or in the form of passenger rail cars.
The prices are certainly moderate.
Leeds Licences and Appeals.
In connection with motorbus services running into Leeds from outside areas, the town clerk reports that the Harrogate Road Car Co., Ltd. (Harrogate to Leeds service), and Messrs. Birks Bros. (Swillington to Leeds service) have signed an undertaking to observe the conditions of the watch committee, and that, in other cases, the proprietors of such services have lodged an appeal with the Minister of Transport against such conditions.
Ratepayers to Decide.
At a meeting of the Bovey Tracey (Devon) Parish Council it was reported that the public appeal for subscriptions towards the purchase of a motor trailer and more modern equipment for the fire brigade had realized the disappointingly small sum of £104. It was decided that the appeal should be withdrawn, the money refunded to the subscribers, and a public meeting called for the purpose of ascertaining if the ratepayers were agreeable to the purchase, out of the rates, of a Stanley motor fire-engine.
Local Proceedings.
Woodford Urban District Council has decided to purchase a 1-ton motor lorry.
Torquay Corporation is considering the advisability of purchasing a new motor ambulance.
Wakefield City Council has authorized the purchase of a 1-ton motor lorry for the electricity department.
Adelaide Corporation has purchased a 4-ton Albion lorry at a cost of £1,095.
Carlisle Watch Committee is considering the question of utilizing the vacant land in Scotch Street as a site for the parking of motor vehicles.
The tramways committee of the Chesterfield Corporation has decided to purchase three 32-seater Bristol motorbuses at a cost of 11,270 each.
The health committee of the Barnsley Corporation recommends the purchase of a 30-cwt. tipping motor lorry at a cost of about £300.
Douglas (I.O.M.) Corporation has authorized the purchase of a motorcycle and carrier for the electricity department.
The tramways committee of the Glasgow Corporation has purchased a 5-ton motor lorry from the Caledon Motor Co., Ltd.
Cowbridge (Glamorgan) Rural District Council proposes to bring its firebrigade service up to date by making purchases of modern equipment.
The tramways committee of the Sheffield Corporation has decided to exercise its option to purchase the motor service run by Mr. Murdock McKay from Moorhead to Bakewe Ottery St. Mary (Devon) Council has decided that the question of obtaining a new fire-engine should be discussed at the next meeting of the general purposes cotamittee.
The Annan Distriet Committee of the Dumfries County Council has requested a sub-committee to ascertain the cost of a motor ambulance for use in the district.
The latest municipal authority to consider the substitution of horses by motors is the Easiegton District Coun"ell, which is at the present time carrying out exhaustive tests and experiments.
The tramways committee of the Sheffield Corporation has approved arrangements for the buses of the Chesterfield Corporation to run through Sheffield, and for the buses of the Sheffield Corporation to run into Chesterfield.
The Ministry of Health has sanctioned the expenditure of £1,500 by the Llanelly Borough Council on the acquisition of a new tractor and trailers in connection with its revised refusecollection scheme.
Smith & Sons' Annual Sports.
S. Smith and Sons (M.A.), Ltd., held their annual sports on their ground at Dndden Hill Lane, Neasden, a few days ago, when about 1,500 people were present. There was a considerable number of events, in each of which competition was very keen. Mr. A. Gordon Smith, the managing director of the company, and Mr. B. Haviland, the works manager, acted as judges, and at the conclusion of the various events the prizes were distributed to the winners by Mrs. A. Gordon Smith. A prize was also given by the company for factory efficiency.
At the conclusion of the sports the managing director made a few general remarks, and took the opportunity of expressing his thanks to the works and staff for their loyal support.
Linking-up Mining Valleys.
The Glamorgan County Council has accepted three tenders for the construction of short lengths of the road for linking-up the mining valleys, the approximate value of those accepted being £45,000. The total length of roadway to be constructed is 40 miles, and, when completed, it will provide for the first time a connection between all the popular valleys and with the main roads leading into Mid-Wales and the English counties.
The value of the work is enhanced by the road schemes of several local authorities, notably those which will connect the Glamorgan valleys with those in Monmouthshire.
Tests for Buses and Coaches.
At a meeting of the Weymouth Watch Committee the question of the testing of brakes of hackney carriages was considered, and the hackney carriage inspector reported that he had made arrangements with motor coach and omnibus proprietors in the district for periodical testing of their vehicles.
Dock Motor Traffic at Bristol.
In view of the general use now made of mechanically propelled road vehicles, Bristol Dock Committee has had under consideration the by-laws for regulating the movement of traffic of this character on the dock estate. It proposes that the by-laws be repealed and others made which will permit such vehicles to enter the transit sheds and warehouses at the City and Portishead Docks, subject to certain restrictions and safeguards in order to meet the demands of the insurance companies. A Distinctive Shooting Brake.
We reproduce on this page an illustration of a shooting brake the body of which has recently been constructed by United Automobile Services., Ltd., Laundry Lane, Lowestoft, to the order of the Menai Motor Co., of Menai Bridge, Anglesey, for Sir Albert Bingham. The body has been so constructed that by an extremely simple arrangement the whole of the cushions and seats can be removed and the vehicle used for station work, or any of the other varied tasks found necessary on an estate. The interior equipment is upholstered in handhuffed leather, and deep spring cases are used for the cushions.
The sycamore-topped tables with which the interior is ttecl, and which can be used for serving meals, are carried against a partition when not in
use. In the spase above the driver's section provision is made for hanging macintoshes, etc., whilst the party is engaged in shooting, instead of piling these inside the vehicle as is the usual practice.
Adequate ventilation is ensured for the interior by the use of drop windows behind the driver and in the rear deor,. as well as by fitting small windows in the centre of each side panel. In addition, N.L. roof ventilators are also fitted, so that a supply of fresh air passes to the interior when it is found necessary to close the windows as the result of inclement weather.
The driver is housed in a comfortable cab, which, apart from the usual screen, is protected at the sides by storm curtains. A rail runs round the sides of the roof to protect luggage carried thereon.
With a view to eliminating any unnecessary labour, all metal parts are stove-enamelled.
M. C. A. Blum, of the Lath l Co., Paris, has been re-elected president of the Union des Vehicules Induetriels-the French equivalent of theCommercial Motor Users Association.