New equipment and publications
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Portable washer
Washing equipment developed by Dowding and Plummer Ltd. for wall cleaning will also have application to vehicles as it can be usedl remote from a power source. It is called the Dhobikart portable wall-washing unit and is a two-container machine—one for detergent the other for clean water.
Each container is of 2gal capacity and has its own plunger handle on which a single pumping operation will provide a full 30min of cleaning time. These are mounted on a lightweight trolley frame which also carries a polythene tool tray to accommodate sponges, dusters and other cleaning accessories, When the cleaner is in use the operator holds a lightweight telescopic lance with a spray head capable of cleaning up to a height of 30ft without the need for trestles or ladders. Brushes, foam pads and squeeze-blades are easily changed on the spray head.
Made by: Dowding and Plummer Ltd., Stock field Road, Birmingham 27.
Flashing beacon
Vactric Control Equipment has designed a new electronic flashing beacon to cover a wider range of applications than that covered by the Mk. I Beacon. The light source is a standard 6W or 21W, 12V bulb, depending on the intensity of the amber signal required and alternative lenses can be supplied in red, blue or green.
The electronics of the Mk. II beacon are now incorporated within the base of the lantern, in order that the beacon can be easily fitted to any flat surface. Although more compact in size than the Mk. I, the Mk. II still retains the features of reliability and robustness of the Mk. I and likewise fulfils the flashing-rate requirements of Regulation 28 of the Traffic Signs, Regulations and General Direction, 1964. It will operate over an ambient temperature range of —20deg C to + 60deg C.
Made by: Vactric Control Equipment Ltd., Garth Rd., Morden, Surrey.
In aerosol containers
Lusol, the rust solvent and lubricant, has been introduced in a new 8oz aerosol container. The pack is in addition to the existing containers and gives an easier method of application.
Lusol has been marketed for over 40 years. It is widely used in industry for releasing rust-bound nuts and bolts and seized and corroded metal parts. It has good penetrating power, will lubricate inaccessible areas and does not harm paintwork.
Made by: Lusol Ltd., Scotland Street, Glasgow.
Price: 7s retail.
Filters and breathers
Details of the completely new range of air breather/oil filler filters and push-on type air breathers, from UCC Filters (Hydraulics Ltd., are shown in a new brochure—UC.500M.
The firm's range covers air-flow requirements from 12 to 90 cu.ft per min and is available in both 15 and 40 microns, as standard units.
Applications of the filters and breathers cover almost every hydraulic requirement with reservoir displacements ranging from 72 to 540ga1 per min.
Made by: UCC Filters {Hydraulics I Ltd., PO Box 3, Thetford, Norfolk.
Noise meter
Hird-Brown is now offering as UK agents, a Swiss-made pocket-sized sound level meter called the Minophon. This is battery operated and is said to give instant, accurate readings of noise levels. A push-pull switch permits fast-response readings or slower average readings over a range of 25 to 145 dB using the amplifier microphone accessory, or 45 to 125 dB using the standard range. The meter measures 4,9in by 3.5in. by 1.6in. and weighs 16.8oz including battery.
Accessories available include the IVIikrotest Pick-up which permits accurate measurement of vibration enabling users not only to have a noise measurement instrument but also a device for the quick location of faulty moving parts for early detection of bearing breakdown.
Marketed by: Hird-Brown Ltd., Bolton, Lancs. Price: Meter, £56 10s ; separate amplifier/ microphone, £32.
Fire extinguisher
An addition to its range of dry-powder fire extinguishers is announced by Nu-Swift International Ltd. This is a 7Ib extinguisher (Model 1707) of advanced design and streamlined appearance.
To increase efficiency and safety in fire fighting, four important new features have been introduced: a safety bursting disc which also acts as the pressure charge seal, and which is instantly pierced on operation; head, hose and nozzle assembly in one complete unit, which can be transferred from a spent pressure charge to a new one in one simple operation; a strike-knob, which covers the whole of the piercing mechanism so that the efficiency of the latter cannot be impaired by the ingress of dust or other foreign matter; and a redesigned discharge nozzle, giving a longer-range discharge than would otherwise be possible.
The extinguisher weighs 16.251b when fully loaded and is a handy size for untrained fire fighters to use. Such people, it is claimed, can successfully tackle a flammable liquid-spill fire of 20 sq.ft in area, while trained operators can extinguish a 60 sq.ft fire of the same type. If required to deal with a further fire, Model 1707 can be reloaded on the spot with Pressure Charge No. 47 in less than a minute.
The 7Ib of powder is expelled in 12sec at the rate of about 0.5Ib a second, in a copical-shaped cloud, with a mean range in still air of 16ft at 65deg F (18deg Cl. The discharge can be temporarily interrupted by squeezing the hand lever on the nozzle, thus enabling the fire fighter to change his or her position, and that of the extinguisher, without wasting any powder, Made by: Nu-Swift International Ltd., Elland, Yorks.
Tough lamps
A range of light units specifically intended to withstand extremely hard working conditions without loss of working efficiency have been introduced by PMG Thorpe Ltd. (part of the Britax-Excelsior Group). The range includes fog, spot and general working lamps for fitting to heavy commercial vehicles and trucks, cranes, earth-moving plant, tractors and mechanical handling equipment. These can be supplied with singleor double-filament sealed-beam units for either 12 or 24V electrical systems.
The lamps are protected by Resilite rubber
ing to give complete weather resistance and it is claimed that they can absorb substantial shocks and jars. Sealed beam units can be replaced with ease when required and replacement units are readily available throughout Great Britain. The lamp fixing brackets allow for a wide range of fixing positions and full adjustment, both laterally and vertically. Made by: PMG Thorpe Ltd., Springfield, Yeadon, Yorks.
Vehicle testers
A range of British-designed vehicle dynamometers and roller brake testers have been introduced by V. L. Churchill. There are two models of vehicle dynamometer, Model No. 1410 with 8.5in. rollers and No. 1420 with 20in. rollers. Both are based on the Heenan and Froude power-absorption unit. There are also two brake testers in the range—Model No. 1310 for cars and commercial vehicles up to 5,000lb per axle and No. 1320 which will accommodate commercial vehicles with a weight of 13 tons per axle; the heavy machine is also suitable for cars and light corn me rcials.
The No. 1410 dynamometer is claimed to be one of the most versatile on the market. It is simple to install and its operation is said to be capable of being mastered quickly by the average mechanic. The instruments—a load setting meter. a bhp meter and an electric speedometer—are housed in a pedestal cabinet of modern design, and provide accurate, direct readings as high as 300 bhp at the wheels or tractive effort. Speeds up to 125 mph can be reached and no calculations are required.
The load-setting meter is most bseful for repeat test, especially if the equipment is being used as a comparator, as it ensures an accurate re-setting of the load on the power absorption unit. A hand-held remote control unit enables the operator to vary the load applied to the driving wheels while operating the normal controls of the car.
There are four electronically balanced rollers and the driving gear and water brake are compactly housed in a rigid heavy steel box requiring an excavation of only 10ft 4in. by 2ft 7in. by 1ft 4in. The dynamometer is normally installed as flush fitting but if required can be surface mounted.
The 1420 Dynamometer provides everything needed in an "indoor road" and the 20in. rollers permit prolonged tests and tune-ups. Complete instrumentation is again housed in a pedestal cabinet and there are the same power and speed characteristics as the 1410. The rollers are balanced and fitted with brakes to facilitate driving off the roller after test. Installation needs excavation of approximately 10ft by 4ft 6in. by 2ft deep.
The Churchill Dynamic Brake Tester No. 1310 is suitable for cars and commercial vehicles up to 5,000lb per axle. It comprises two pairs of grit-covered rollers driven individually by 1 hp motors through reduction gear boxes, The unit is normally flush floor fitted, requiring an excavation of only 8ft 6in. by 2ft 3in. by 1ft 2in. deep. The pedestal cabinet matches the dynamometer console and remote control is available as an extra. The meter panel houses the motor controls, and two 10in. hydraulic gauges with expanded scale readings. Included with the equipment is a brake pedal meter to ensure consistent brake pedal pressures. Overall braking efficiency can be calculated as well as that of each wheel brake and the equipment quickly shows up unbalanced brakes or mechanical irregularities.
The Churchill No. 1320 brake tester is said to represent the ultimate in vehicle brake testing. It is capable of comprehensively testing cars and the heaviest types of four, six, or eightwheeled goods vehicles with or without trailing axles or third differentials. Up to 13 tons weight per axle can be accommodated, The flush floor fitted unit allows each pair of wheels to be progressively driven on to two pairs of rollers which are rotated by two 15 hp motors through reduction gear boxes. The rollers are wide enough to accommodate twintyred wheels and individual wheel-braking effort can be measured. The meter panel houses the motor controls and four 10in. hydraulic gauges. Two meters read 0-1,6000lb for small vehicles and the other two read up to 8,000lb for heavy commercial vehicles. Marketed by: V. L. Churchill and Co. Ltd., PO Box No. 3, London Rd., Daventry, Northants. Prices: (Installed on site prepared by customer) No, 1410 dynamometer, £1,575: No. 1420 dynamometer, £1,975; No. 1310 brake tester, £575; No. 1320 brake tester £2,220.
Edbro recommendations Data sheets giving tipping-gear and body recommendations for a wide range of chassis "plated" to meet Ministry of Transport requirements and produced after January 1 1968 are now available from Edbro Ltd. To obtain them, operators have to specify an Engineering Bulletin number—shown here in brackets after the relevant make: AEC (41), Albion (46), Atkinson (47), Bedford (44), AMB-Austin-Morris (45), Commer (43), Dennis(48), Dodge (49), ERF (50), Foden (51), Ford (33A and 34B), Guy (52), Karrier (53), Leyland (42), Scammell (55), Seddon (54). Published by: Edbro Ltd., Quebec Street, Bolton, Lancs.
Odd angles can present real problems in the repair of pressed-steel bodywork. But the new Wide-Angle Wedge-Head introduced for the Blackhawk Porto-Power equipment gives flex ibility which changes this. It has rubber-faced pressure pads automatically adjusting to all angles and contours: they adjust 90deg up or down, or tilt 10deg sideways to fit any slope or shape.
The complete unit can be adjusted through a full 60deg arc when attached to tubing. The result is that pushing and bracing pressure is spread out evenly and time is saved as additional damage is not introduced in carrying out a repair. The unit is designed for repairing door openings, pillars, roofs, trunk openings, quarter panels, frames, or unitized body sections and there are two versions, Model AZ1040 for 4-ton sets, Model FZ-1040 for 10-ton sets.
Made by: Applied Power Industries Inc. (UK} Ltd., 717 Tudor Estate, Abbey Rd., London, NW10.
The Easyf ill grease pump has been redesigned and is now available to fit all types of grease keg. The new pump seals the keg against Water or grit and is supplied with a special follower plate which ensures that the contents of the keg are used completely, leaving less than of grease in the bottom of the used container. The pump will handle all types of grease and discharges at the rate of about +lb per shot.
Marketed by: Portapack Ltd., 129a London Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex.
Price: £5 9s 6d for the 28Ib keg model.
A novel leaflet has been produced by Kelseal Ltd., to demonstrate the applications of its air-drying joint sealing compounds for the motor body builder and repair shop. The centre spread of the leaflet is a wall chart, with a diagram showing the points of a vehicle where the various sealants may be used.
The leaflet is primarily intended for the garage or repair shop which does not have staving facilities--Kelseal emphasizes that the products can be used by any garage as no special equipment or facilities are required. Published by: Kelseal Ltd., Vogue House, Hanover Square, London, W1.