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Decision Reversed
• The appeal by Tovey Transport Ltd., Happisborough, which the Transport Tribunal heard on Tuesday was allowed. The appeal, said Mr. R. M. Yorke, for the appellant, was brought......
Two, Not Six, Says Mr. Else
• Even after a haulier had reduced his application for additional A-licensed attics from six to three, Mr. J. Else, West Midland LA, giving his decision, said in Birmingham last......
Sub-contractors Unreliable, Say Customers
• Two associated Liverpool companies were granted additional A-licence facilities by the North-Western deputy LA, Mr. A. H. Jolliffe, on Tuesday. Mr. R. S. Snaylam, managing......
• Inconvenience to the court and objectors caused by the non-attendance of an applicant was described by Mr. J. Else, West Midland LA, as "outrageous" in Birmingham last week.......
One Scrapped, One Disappeared
• Of the two vehicles owned by the Bootle firm of T. Regan, one had been scrapped last September and the other had disappeared, Mr. A. H. Jolliffe, North Western deputy LA, was......