Since the revision of local authority boundaries 1 have !ad
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to apply to a different authority or permission to leave a builders' kip on the road. I operate several of hese and now the new authority has !sked that I fit a reflective strip at !ach end of all my skips before they vill grant permission to leave them Py the ,roadside. 1 thought that ejlective strips need be fitted only to tzotor vehicles, therefore can such a !ondition be imposed?
Normally reflective . rear markings are fitted to motor ehicles in accordance with the rovisions of the Motor Vehicles Rear Markings) Regulations 1970. owever, the deposit of builders' kips on the highway is controlled by e Highways Act 1971. Under ection 31 and 32 of this Act the per mission of the highway authority concerned must be sought to leave a skip by the roadside and in granting such permission the authority may make conditions as to the siting of the skip, its dimensions and the painting and manner in which it is made visible to other traffic.
It would seem that the highway authority concerned with your applications feels that the strips of reflective material, similar to those used for marking the rear of motor vehicles, are appropriate for the last mentioned purpose. There is no reason why they should not impose such a condition.