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1974 Cm Fleet Managemen1
:ONFERENCE What vehicles and equipment should specified for fleet use tomorrow? How ( freight carriers best organize their ope lions to meet the requirements of the n five years......
; Es Si O N 1 . Omorrow's Fleets Hre We Soon Going To See
quieter, safer, lore economical, more reliable and durable ans and trucks? If so, what form will they ike, what will they cost, what service nd parts back-up will they need and......
Session 2
Driver behaviour and accidents by T. E. A. Benjan Road accidents kill more than 250,000 and injure 7,500,000 people in the world each year. Four years ago the International......
;ession 3
he American trucking scene• The heavy truck is accepted ;t the Average American 3an important part of the ation's way of life — because ucks have good perfor lance and do not......
9morrow's Operations
oad transport has new commercial, atutory and environmental influences ) take into account in the near future. he likely impact of these on both Dmestic and international......