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UK faces looming driver shortage “This type of news is bread and butter for the LGV training brokers. They will use these figures to exploit new drivers into the industry. Skills for Logistics reports that all these mature drivers will retire shortly, but no one has any money to retire. The 12,000 figure quoted for those who have already attained the Driver CPC does not reflect the true number. Many more than this reported 12,000 are driving professionally. They just haven’t bothered to acquire the initial qualification as yet. Driver shortage... what driver shortage?” HGV Training “For the benefit of Ross Moloney of Skills for Logistics, THERE IS NO DRIVER SHORTAGE!
“There is, however, a shortage of qualified people who wish to sleep in a tin box at night, act as an unpaid security guard, work 80-odd hours a week for a pittance, and use lay-bys for a toilet because their employers are too miserable to pay for secure parking!” Glaswegian “Change your perspective and use the right training provider – not all trainers are ‘20-year-olds in suits’. I have been training since the Driver CPC was introduced and not one of my candidates has left the course without learning something. All professionals need to develop their knowledge and embrace new technology and legislation – drivers are no different.” Freight Train “LOL. I have to laugh, they are going to fine us if we don’t sit in a class for seven hours to line someone’s pockets, to basically learn nothing.
“The only people that are rubbing their hands are the so called training groups, and most of them couldn’t put a nut on a bolt.
“I am furious that the haulage industry is letting this go. Why us? Why not incompe tent bankers and politicians? Why aren’t they being forced into compulsory education with fines attached? £8 an hour at best for all this, and five days without pay to accommodate the five modules at £100+VAT for each. This will kill the haulage industry.” alextruten “I’m an agency driver and just completed my 35 hours of training. I’ve had to pay for it out of my own pocket. I’m a night driver so I couldn’t work the night before the course or the night of the course, so in lost earnings and the cost of the course it cost me £1,250 – a total rip off. You sit for seven hours, you get bored and don’t take any new information in.” drive4hours
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