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Dft Considers £90 Penalty For Careless Driving Offence
By Roger Brown THE DEPARTMENT for Transport (DfT) is considering making careless driving a £90 fixed penalty offence. Under the proposals – out to consultation – a fixed penalty......
Check Your Driver Cpc Hours Online
THE DRIVING STANDARDS Agency (DSA) has reminded drivers that they can check that their Driver CPC periodic training has been recorded by accessing their online training record.......
Diesel Emissions Do Cause Cancer
DIESEL EXHAUST emissions cause cancer in humans, according to The World Health Organisation (WHO), which has upgraded the risk level it attaches to diesel exhaust. WHO’s......
Meps Argue Over Lhvs On Euro Roads
A ROW HAS broken out in Brussels with MEPs accusing transport commissioner Siim Kallas of bypassing parliament in promoting the use of longer, heavier vehicles (LHVs) on......