News and Comment.
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses.
" One Hears " will be found on page 37.
A summary of the conditions for this year's French Military Trials will be found on page 56.
" Boy or motor" is the title which we have given to the second impromptu interview between a member of the Editorial staff of this journal and a, potential user of commercial motors (pages 46 and 47).
The Inst.A.E.
The following elections to the Council of the Institution of Automobile Engineers are notified: Messrs. Mervyn O'Gorman, F. L. Martineau, Max Lawrence, J. A. Wilding, W. Worb3r Beaumont, F. C. A. Coventry, D. J. Smith, Professor A. Sharp, Messrs. A. S. Hill, G. A. Burls, Colonel H. C. L. Holden, Messrs. H. A. Adam, D. Leechnian and L. H. Pomeroy. We publish the names in the order in which they were issued.
Fire-Brigade Matters.
The Gosforth U.D.C. is on the point of purchasing an Argyll engine.
Considerable new business for the Edinburgh Town Council is likely to be re-opened to tender very shortly. A reorganization in respect of the disposition of the equipment will probably be undertaken at the same time.
Salisbury Town Council, acting upon a communication from the Salisbury Volunteer Fire Brigade, has appointed a committee to go into the whole question of motor equipment. Alderman Folliott is one of the prime movers. Nearly GOO Members.
Upwards of 20 new owners were elected to membership of the Commercial Motor Users Association during the month of February, and the closer approach to the annual parade, of which his Majesty the King is patron, promises to bring in numerous additional applications within the next few weeks. Payment of two guineas down is necessary, in order to cover the first annual subscription of one guinea and the entrance fee of one guinea. The membership of the
Association is now well on the way to a total of 600, and the forthcoming annual report, which is to be presented to members on the 28th inst., is a waited with interest.
The Annual General Meeting.
The notices are now out for the holding of the annual general meeting of the Commercial Motor Users Association, and this will take place on Thursday, the 28th inst., at 89, Pall Mall, S.W. (the associates branch of the Royal Automobile Club), at four o'clock. The report of the General Committee, and the audited statement of accounts and balance sheet, will be submitted for approval, and certain special business will be taken.
The Inspector and His Work.
Mr. G. W. Watson, who was appointed the sole inspecting engineer under the C.M.U.A. parade scheme for this year, has been admitted a full member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Mr. Watson, we understand, has already completed the inspection of considerably more than 100 of the competing vehicles, and his surprise visits, which may be repeated any day before the parade takes place, have had an undoubtedlybeneficial effect upon all the drivers of the 300 odd machines which are entered for the parade. New owners are recommended to apply to the Secretary of the Commercial Motor Users Association, 89, Pall Mall, S. W., for particulars of this important competition and parade, which is fixed for the 27th May. Entries may still be made on payment of the requisite fees. Barriercar Branches.
We hear good accounts of the business which is in hand at the Binainghem and Manchester breeches of Clayton and Co., Ltd., of Huddersfield. That in Birmingham, for the Midland area, at Central House, 75, New Street,
Birmingham, is under the charge of Mr. Ernest B. Winn, whilst that in :tfanchester, for important Lancashire and neighbouring areas, at 2, St. Ann's Place, is under the charge of Mr. Arthur W. Wingate.
Jerusalem's New Roller.
Evidence of the introduction of modern methods into some of those parts of the world which have long been considered obsolete is forthcoming in the fact that a large American motor road roller has just been delivered for municipal use in Jerusalem. The decision, however, to equip the town with a tramway service can hardly be considered as evidence of further enlightenment.