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Owners and drivers are often at a los.s to know the best route, when the work in hand calls for the dis patch of one or more...
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The Tradesman's Tricycle. The Motor Carrier Gives Double the Load Capacity at Treble the Speed for Less Money. " Well, yes, I...
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Free Legal Defence and Advice. Prompt Information About Cross Country Routes for Nominal Fees. Associateship of the R.A.C. Many...
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Towards; the end of last week we received a call from B. Jones on his way hack from Madrid, where he has been for a few weeks...
A Fleet of Halley Wagons in Service To and From the Ruby Mines of Burmah. Nowadays it is almost as fatuous to write of the...
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1000 Single-deck Motorbuses to be Running by December Next. Drivers Not Allowed to Touch Their Engines. Standardization the...
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Shoot the Tires. A chauffeur who refused to pull up when ordered to do so has been stopped by a policeman, who fired at the...
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by VAN, WAGON and TRACTOR. To Enfor..e Axle-weight Limits. Mr. John Burns, in reply to Mr. Cathcart Wason, stated last week...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. " One Hears " will be found on page 37. A...
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150 Acres Ploughed in 100 Hours, at a Total Cost of Ss. 6d. Per Acre. 200 Sacks of Oats Threshed in Six Hours, with a...
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In view of the fact. that our own War Office appears at last to be contemplating the conduct of actual trials of vehicles which...
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6-ton load from Soho to Durham, and that offers are wanted at once. That further experiments are being made in London with a...
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Autogenuus Welding. Leyland's Diesel. Strike Results. A Tale Against Wigan. A . case came before my notice during last week in...
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The Need of a Large Stock of Spares. Paraffin the only Regular Fuel Supply. Interesting Traffic-Department Routine. A...
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Petrol-measuring Devices. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [15121 Sir, —I see in your interesting paper that a...
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Our readers will be informed by the Editor on any poiets connected with the construction or use of commercial victors. Where a...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny aline of ten words for anything else published,...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...