Quarry rate minimum
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• To obtain a fresh mandate from members over rates negotiations with quarry owners, the Road Haulage Association area secretaries concerned called a meeting in Buxton on Sunday.
For many months now members of the North West tipping liaison committee have been trying to agree a common rates schedule with the Central Roadstone Federation.
The rates which the employers are prepared to offer are well below those for which the hauliers feel they can operate.
At the meeting it was decided to adopt a schedule of minimum rates which members will present to individual quarry owners for implementation on April 1. As from this date the charge for dry quarry materials per ton for an outward journey of 50 miles will be 21s 9d and 37s 2d for 100 miles. The Federation has said it is only prepared to raise its payments to 18s 7d and 33s Id respectively. The RHA feels only 86 miles can be operated economically for the latter figure.
Mr. W. M. Farnorth, RHA North WeStern (Eastern) area secretary told CM that ideally there would be a national rates structure hut with the differing regional circumstances this was not feasible.
On Monday the Federation of Midland Quarries rejected hauliers' claims for higher rates, saying that full-time quarry operators were satisfied; it was the operators who only worked part-time on quarry traffic who were expressing dissatisfaction. said a Federation spokesman.
This was refuted by contract hauliers at the RHA East Midland area meeting on Tuesday.