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21st March 1969
21st March 1969
Page 1
Page 1, 21st March 1969

Page 23

ommercial otor

We shall be interested to learn the reaction of readers to the idea for a European freight exchange put forward in this issue...

Page 24

Larrow 108-vehicle bid refused by Mr. Muir

• Insufficient evidence of need, and the past conduct as a haulier of Mr. Sammy Davis, have together led the Metropolitan...

I R U comes of age

from a special correspondent • On Sunday, the IR U will achieve its majority. Formed on March 23, 1948, this - international...

Page 25

Only five classes for 1970 LDoY?

• The Lorry Driver of the Year competition in 1970 will change drastically if eliminating centres accept a recommendation of...

Page 26

'Co-existence' call by RHA and NFC chiefs

• Ownership does not matter; State and private haulage have common interests and must work together. This is the theme which...

Drivers get first new bravery awards

• Two lorry drivers who risked their lives to prevent "a major motorway disaster" on MI are the first-ever recipients of a...

Quarry rate minimum

• To obtain a fresh mandate from members over rates negotiations with quarry owners, the Road Haulage Association area...

Millar appeal: no RHA decision

▪ At its meeting last week the executive board of the Road Haulage Association made no decision about whether to give official...

Page 27

rraining course check

Critical examination of some training urses now being offered to the road transrt industry is taking place in many cirs. This...

Atlas express at Ipswich

• Proximity to Ipswich, Felixstowe and Harwich docks was a factor in the siting of the new Atlas Express depot at Ipswich,...

he Press meets BRS students

The new-look BRS management training irtment introduced an unusual subject at econd management course in Birmingham week. On...

unking fuel by pipeline

'he 245-mile Thames-Mersey pipe the UK's first long-distance comial line—becomes fully operational on lay. Via four depots, it...

'Ten p.c. may not be enough'

• His plea for a new look at costs and rates was already bearing fruit, the RHA national chairman said on Tuesday. Mr. Noel...

Page 28

Good start for h.g.v.

course by Paul Brockington • An "overwhelming response" has been received to the h.g.v. driver-training course of S. Jones...

This depot has everything

• A new plant and vehicle depot for Robert Marriott Ltd., of Rushden, Northants, was opened recently by Mr. H. Howarth, MP. It...

Page 31


emovals th reat "I don't envy them their lot" was the mment made by Grp. Capt. Potter of the ames Valley branch of the...

)w FTA courses

A series of' two-day residential courses ransport management on the Transport is to be held by the Freight Transport )ciation....

Container Transport

Films on handling TWO FILMS have been shown recently by Quay Handling Ltd., Poole. One showed the Quay container handling...

Page 32

O-m-o does not solve staff shortage

COMMISSIONERS REPORT • There is a continuing shortage of p.s.v. drivers throughout the country and the increase in the number...

Coach body for 2-seater

• As opposed to a converted van, a 12seater p.s.v. body has been specially constructed for the Ford Transit chassis by W. and...

Page 33

Tyre unsuitable, rules judge in crash case

• A Dunlop 9.00 by 20 p.t. tyre fitted to a British coach employed on a Continental tour was unsuitable for that type of work,...

Tyneside PTA men

11 Newcastle upon Tyne City Council has ilected its five nominees to serve on the "yneside PTA. They are Ald. Arthur Grey,...

IRU comes of age

Another subject of great topical interest is the reduction in the hours limits for professional drivers. This is not only a...

Page 34

Oversight: appeals fail

• The Transport Tribunal, sitting in Edinburgh on Tuesday, rejected appeals by Sam Anderson (Newhouse) Ltd. against a decision...

Haulier loses to ship line

• The respondent, Currie Line Ltd., Leith. succeeded in an appeal heard by the Tribunal in Edinburgh on Wednesday; Scottish...

Opposition to London excursions

• To operate weekend sightseeing excursions to London throughout the year, Ward 'Bros. (Lepton) Ltd., Lepton, Nr. Huddersfield,...

Under 30cwt---"no basis for variation'

• Now that vehicles under 30cwt no longer require a carrier's licence, it was argued in Preston on Tuesday, the B licence on...

Top drivers

• Harvey Bradfield and Toyer Ltd. held its second lorry driver competition at Ruislip on Saturday. The following awards were...

Page 39

'uality' licence unlikely ith this bad record

te managing director of two Scottish ,e firms with 27 vehicles was warned eek that, when the provisions of the - ransport Act...

tomatic replacement 'unused' vehicle?

majority of the vehicles being ap1' were in respect of exchanges where aden weight was the same or less lose being substituted...

Respondents win in Welsh appeal

• The Minister of Transport has dismissed the appeals by Hill's (Tredegar) Ltd. against the decisions of the South Wales...

Page 40

La rrow bid refused

continued from page 23 Mr. Muir would have regard under Section 174(4)(b) to the record of Davis Bros. (Haulage) Ltd., C....

Page 42

Dodge re-launches K series

by Ron Cater • To give operators a chance to try its re-engineered Dodge K range of trucks, Rootes is mounting a series of 22...

Fridge unit eases pallet loading

r ot tips • A new type of Polarstream refrigeration unit from BOC Food Services Department— which gives 100 per cent use of...

Page 43

Versatile bulk body

• A new type of bulk body adaptable to carry grain or potatoes has been developed by the Cranford Engineering Co. Ltd., Mere...

Page 44

Insulated Dumptrailer with rubber suspension

• A new type of rubber suspension is a feature of an insulated version of the modified Dumptrailer, short. and long-wheelbase...

Road and workshop by Handyman

Manpower, maintenance and the MoT (36) • To successfully meet the challenge ahead means having fit vehicles with daily...

Page 49

Bird's eye view

Pricey pheasants at a life" might be a more appropriate han "Look at Life" for the latest film in popular Rank series,...

Page 50

BMC Mastiff 16-ton-gross truck

by A. J. P. Wilding, MIMechE, MIRTE PROOF that a high power-to-weight ratio does not necessarily result in poor fuel...

Page 57

MPETITION in the haulage business is 'ening. More goods have

to be moved er and cheaper. Goods handling is being onalized. Trucks are being given more terful engines, bigger payloads,...

Page 61

:ensing and law

article headed "Disturbing features of the f licensing system" (CM February 28) cons two statements about quality and quantity...

Remember to re-tension the binders as necessary!

Sawn timbei It is essential for the truck to be fitted with side stanchions (perhaps with sides or gates) that reach up as high...

Page 62

Foreign exchange

WHATEVER is happening in the UK is bound to be happening twice as much somewhere else. Transportation is global and the trials,...

Page 65

L national policy for pallets

siD HAULIERS have been the benefies of pallets ever since they were inventut the benefits—in quicker pick-ups and T...

Page 67

As part of our ,safety training we are ' thinking

of including fire protection; you know of any specialist courses ch might be available in this field? The Fire Protection...

Q After writing to several sources, in

cluding the Royal Society of Arts, I have failed to find anywhere in the Tamworth, Staffs, area where I can attend classes for...

/ am a bus driver with a former BET company.

Recently when 1 arrived to take over my bus I was amazed to see that the speedometer had been removed, and protested that by...

Q In Know the Law on February 74

there was an excellent article on tyre regulations but I think that in explaining the section dealing with millimetre tread...

Page 69

he Transport Examiner's notebook elp with technique

3T WEEK I traced the steps needed to aken in improving technique by answertypical questions as an essential final ;e of...


S WEEK I am continuing the study of Cs required on vehicles and will deal with and front corner marker lamps required long...

Page 71

;ign of lightweight vertical te designated the 2RV and to

lift one ton, yet iing under 4cwt, is being Ied by Hipope Ltd. unit has no cables or pulinstead it uses hydraulic on each side...