Tyneside PTA men
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11 Newcastle upon Tyne City Council has ilected its five nominees to serve on the "yneside PTA. They are Ald. Arthur Grey, eader of the council and chairman of the ilanning committee; Cir. Neville Trotter, :hairman of the traffic, highways and tranport committee; Clr. W. Harding, chairman if the finance committee; Aid. David Price, ice-chairman, traffic, highways and transport ommittee; and Clr. W. Forsyth, vice-chairnan of the planning and finance committees.
Clr. Trotter told CM that the nominees vere chosen to give full representation of the nost important aspects which the PTA would lave to face—planning, traffic, highways, ransport and finance. The PTA steering cornnittee favoured a four-man Executive to run he new Passenger Transport Area. In addiion to the director general, a director of nance, director of planning and a director of ransport operations (projects) were proposed.