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Unfair dismissal protection extended

21st March 1975, Page 26
21st March 1975
Page 26
Page 26, 21st March 1975 — Unfair dismissal protection extended
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THE qualifying period of amployment necessary Defore a complaint of unfair dismissal can be made is -educed to 26 weeks from Sunday March 16, 1975.

This change, the last of the mprovements in the Trade Jnion and Labour Relations kct 1974 to come into use, neans that employees disnissed on or after March 16 viii be elegible to complain of infair dismissal to an ndustrial tribunal after 26 fveeks continuous employnent instead of 52 weeks as It present.

Unfair dismissal

.egulations were first made Hider the Industrial Relations

Act 1971. At the inception complaints to industrial tribunals could only be made after 104 weeks continuous employment, but this period has been progressively shortened.

A leaflet on Unfair Dismissal is available at local offices of the Department of Employment together with copies of the application form (form 11-1) for complaints of unfair dismissal. An employee wishing to complain should complete this form and send it to the Central Office of Industrial Tribunals at the address given on the form within three months of the date when his dismissal took effect.