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If I Use One Of My Farm Vehicles To Carry My Daughter's...
You will not be able to use rebated fuel for this purpose. The use of this fuel is restricted to vehicles which are not licensed for use, or used on public roads, and for......
Q 1 Have Made Several Altera Tions In The Operation
of my business and one of these involves changing the preventive maintenance checks and repair of arty vehicles to a different garage ,from the one quoted in my 0-licence......
Q I Use A Platform Truck With An
unladen weight of 21 tons 9 clvt and the road tax is calculated on that weight. If I add a demountable container to carry livestock which will make the unladen weight about 4......
Q We Have A Number Of Cmall Vans All Of
which are under 30 cwt unladen and we wish to add to these mobile showrooms which would consist aficonverted caravans. Will we have to Obtain an operator's licence because 1`.1e......
() My New Delivery Van Is Equip Ped With Hazard Ii.arning
lights and I have never had a vehicle with these before. I often see delivery vans parked with hazard . flashers operating. hut I am told this is not strict/r legal. Is this so?......