\ EWS of the WEEK
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All British Carriers, Ltd., has acquired, by amalgamation, the wellknown Cardiff and London concern of G. C. Wadsworth, Ltd., which operates 30 vehicles of various types and sizes. Mr. Bowen-Davies, formerly chairman of the latter concern, now joins the board of the former. As a result of this merger, All British Carriers, Ltd., will be in a position to undertake every class of transport, by reason of the introduction of a heavy-haulage department, for which the Wadsworth concern built up an excellent reputation over many years. Mr. G. C. Waneworth joins All British Carriers, Ltd., as sales manager.
Echoes of Battles in Court.
Transport battles of the past were vividly brought to mind at an inquiry in Manchester last week, when applications which were, formerly, fought to the last ditch, were dealt with in a few minutes. On this one day there were applications for 10 different bases of j. Nall and Co., Ltd., two applications by Northern Motors Utilities, Ltd., and one for Collier Daniels, Ltd.
Questions arose as to whether all the vehicles were required during the trade depression, but the applicants were certain that the signs were of returning trade and that every one of these big fleets of vehicles would be in regular use forthwith. Instead of taking many days for each application, the whole lot was disposed of at one sitting.
Maintaining Film-transport Efficiency.
The " silent service of the film industry " came in for a share of limelight recently, at the West Midland Traffic Court. The amount of night traffic in film transport was revealed in the coarse of an application by Messrs. Film Transport Service for an addition of one to their fleet of six vans already -serving the picture theatres of Birmingham and district.
The work is almost entirely by night and on Sundays, necessitating the employment of a large staff of drivers In all, 16 drivers are employed for the six vans, Mr. E. W. Morris, general manager, told the court, in reply to Mr J. Else, for the railway companies. Mr. Morris pointed out that, owing to the special hours worked, a driver completed his quota of time considerably B4 before the end of the week, and, in consequence, each van had to have a reserve driver, apart from men kept on call for emergency. The increase in the number of cinemas served by the firm, from 81 to 102, Mr. Morris said, had involved the bringing into full active service of the van which they had formerly kept in reserve for emergency, so that an additional van was essential to the efficiency of the service. Mr. H. Trevor Morgan, the Licensing Authority, granted the application.
O'Sullivan Appeal Decision.
Decision on the case of Michael O'Sullivan and the Great Western Railway Co., which came before the Appeal Tribunal on October 11, has been deferred until November 14, A Different Operator.
With regard to a short news para graph, entitled " Apathy Loses Licence,." which appeared in The Commercial Motor dated October 14, we would point out that the name of the transport concern should have been given as Messrs. B. and H. Transport, of Monton, Manchester, The B. and H. Transport Co., of Oldham and Hollinwood, had .nothing to do with the case to which we referred.
When Activity is Altered.
The decision of the West Midland Licensing Authority (Mr. H. Trevor Mdrgan) was reserved in an application, last week, by Mr. L. Guymer, a Walsall haulage contractor, for the renewal of licences for three vehicles. Opposition was forthcoming from the London, Midland and Scottish and Great Western Railway Cos. on the ground of change of activity. The applicant admitted that a good deal of his work had changed in character, and that he--was now covering a much wider area, making journeys to London, Liverpool, Leeds and Manchester, with metal and machinery, whereas his vehicles had formerly served only farmers and local authorities within a 50-mile radius of Walsall. He was still doing work for local farmers and for Stafford County Council, but work which he had formerly done for Aldridge Urban District Council had proved undependable.
-As a protest against new taxation, both direct and indirect, which virtually puts the business of French operators in jeopardy, a lightning strike was staged at the Paris Salon, this week. -At a pre-arranged signal, all exhibitors of commercial vehicles covered their machines with dustsheets which were then used to display posters protestitig against the new taxation.
Although the covers were soon removed, there is no doubt that the action of the exhibitors made a considerable impression upon the 'visiting public and, it is hoped, upon the French Government.
New Electric-vehicle Maker.
We learn that vacanCies will shortly occur; with the establishment of an extensive works, in which electric goods and niurticipal vehicles, delivery vans and industrial trucks are to be produced, for a works manager, 'mechanical engineer and an electrical engineer, as well as draughtsmen, shop foremen. etc. The works will be situated on the Great West Road. Full details are published in an advertisement appearing in this week's classified section.
The Industry and "Things to Come.
Vast changes in the structure of the road-haulage industry were presented by Mr. A. H. Butterwick, the Leeds haulage contractor (who is chairman of the ROA Transport Section of the Leeds Chamber of Commerce, and a member of the National Council of A.R.0.), in a paper which he read in Leeds on Tuesday.
Mr. Butterwick suggested that legislation and Government control, railway and C-licensed operators' competition, and the force of economic emergency, would have the effect of gradually placing the industry into the hands ol fewer and larger operators.
He went on to say: " The possibility that some body, based upon a structure similar to that of the London Passenger Transport Board, may come into being in all traffic areas, is not to be disregarded. In such event, as in the case of any nationalization of transport by any future Socialist Government, the large operators will, because of their size, be enabled to make satisfactory terms.
" Thus," added Mr. Butterwick, I am of the opinion that the near future will see the end of the majority of independent hauliers, as such, and that a real working arrangement will take place between road; rail, canal, and air transport.
" In any such co-ordination, the trader's interest must be safeguarded," Mr. Butterwick emphasized in conclusion. "A control that merely aims at securing higher rates would be futile.•
At the annual banquet, given last Monday at Grosvenor House, London, by the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., to its distributors and dealers, Lord McGowan, K.B.E., said that the motor industry gave much employment, good wages and promoted indirect employment that was even greater. Referring to road congestion, he asked the industry to be tolerant with the Ministry of Transport, as there were fundamental difficulties in the construction of roads on a large scale in this country. As regards motor salesmanship, he said that service was allimportant.
Sir Albert Atkey, J.P., replied in a most amusing and racy speech.
Lord Austin, prophesied that the coming year would be one of the most successful for the motor industry, but Britain must be strong and alert With regard to the mobilization of industry, an industrialist should be put in charge and the Government should ten the industry frankly what it wants. It was imperative that a national register should be put in force immediately. The manhood and womanhood of the country must make themselves efficient for any possible I.A.E. Annual Banquet.
The annual banquet and dance of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, held last Friday at Grosvenor House, London, was thoroughly enjoyed by over 500 members and guests. We always look upon this function as one of the bright spots of the year, at which one meets dozens of old friends in the industry.
The chief point put forward by Mr. L. Burgin, Minister of Transport, was that there was too much imported fuel. What was wanted was an engine that would consume fuel that we could pro. duce at home. There was a tremendous field for those who could tackle this task, and we -ought not to lag behind.
Mx. P. C. Kidner, president, dealt mainly with the recent crisis, and referred to the difficulty of dealing with vested interests. The time had come when these must he subjugated to the national interest.
The toast of " The Guests " was given by MajoreGeneral S. C. Peck, immediate past-president, and was responded to by Lord Kenilworth, president of the S.M.M. and T.
Suggestion for Equitable Rates.
A suggestion that, in the stabilisation of road-haulage rates, there should be an upward variation in sonic districts where road transport is rendered more costly by slower operation due to local conditions, is put forward by Mr. John Trewavas, a Bradford solicitor. He comments upon references to rates stabilization which were made by Councillor Charles Holdsworth, of Halifax, at a meeting not long ago of the Transport Section of the Bradford Chamber of Trade. Councillor Holdsworth at that time emphasized his view that rates stabilisation will have to be carried out on national lines, that there should be the same goods classifications in every area, and that the rate per ton-mile, according to classification, should be the same, whatever the point of origin.
" Haulage rates worked on a mileage basis per ton carried, and on that alone, regardless of the differing characteristics of the area, would, it seems to me, work inequitably." Mr. Trewavas stated.
Salesman for Sussex Needed.
A leading British commercial-vehicle maker requires a salesman for Sussex. Ile must have good connections in the area and, preferably, be resident in Brighton. Further details are to be found in the " Situations Vacant " feature in our advertisement columns of this issue.
Tasmania's Sales Record.
According to -the Tasmanian Automobile Trade Journal, the sales and first-time registrations of new motorvans and lorries in Tasmania during the 12 months ended May last created a new record. A total of 697 was attained, as contrasted with 601 in 1926-37 and 11-15 in 1935416. Of the total., Fords are at the bead of the list with 274, followed by Chevrolets with 1.79, Bedfoeds 88, Fargo 46, -International :V13 and Dodge 31. In .addttion to the Bedfords, the following British vehicles are included in the total.: Austin,. 7 Comtner, 7 Hillman, I Leyland and .1.■ Morris and MorrIS-ronimercial.
Mr. R. W. Sewill, director of A.R.O., speaking at a meeting of Kingston Round Table, on Tuesday, said:.- " H. there be one thing, more than another, which has emerged from the recent crisis, it is the vital necessity of maintaining, at their fullest efficiency, all forms of transport. It is common knowledge that the railways would have been taken over by the Government on the outbreak of hostilities. • . . In my opinion, the railways, faced with this knowledge, are frilly entitled to demand of the country that, consistent with maximum efficiency, they be permitted to earn sufficient revenue, not only to pay wave and to allow for a reasonable return to their Shareholders, but to maintain their systems in such condition AS will 'meet all requirements made upon them, both in time of peace and of war." On the other hand, be said, never had the need for road transport been more abundantly dear. Where were sufficient vehicles to be found at the present time? Rightly or wrongly, a policy was in existence for the restriction of the numbers of com
mercial vehicles. He said that there were not enough vehicles in the country to-day to meet the demands Which would he made upon them in the event of war. Therefore, whilst the railways were fully entitled to demand the right to live, equally important was it that road transport should be encouraged to expand to its greateet possible capacity, consistent with economic employment.
The -existing bitter competition between road and rail must, he said, cease. Trade and industry would have to be prepared to face a scale of rates, for both road and rail, substantially higher, in many cases, than those now existing. That would enable both forms of transport to live. Such Was his proposal for maintaining the two industries profitably.
Goods Vehicles Create a Record.
. At the end of August last the number of licences current in respect of goods motor vehicles was 47.1,156, which :contrasts with 460,343 a year earlier. This is the highest figure yet attained, the nearest approach being . the 470;511 vehicles licensed at the end of May 1938. .
In the case of hackney vehicles 87,536 licences were current, this being the highest figure reached since 1929, when, • at the .,end . of Aggro, licence.; were current for 95,708 vehicles...
When Mr. Alexander Rennie, Meikle Wartle, applied, last week, for a B licence, before the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority (Mr. Henry Riches), it was explained that a B licence was granted to him in 1935, but he never took up currency of the licence.
Mr. Rennie said : " I did not know the licence had been granted. I would have used it had I known."
Mr. Riches : " Is it not a fact that this vehicle was lying in a garage at Inverness at the end of March, 1935, and you could not use it because it was in such a deplorable condition as regards maintenance? "
Mr. Rennie; " There was nothing wrong with it, except that it needed a new engine. I had a new engine for it."
Mr. Riches continued the application in order that further evidencemight be submitted. He granted, in the meantime, a short-term licence.
Another Fordson for Sand and Ballast.
In addition to the Fords= hydraulic end-tipper with fixed sides, to which a reference was recently made in these columns, a similar vehicle with a body having drop sides is now available, to meet the requirements of the Sand and Ballast Regulations. The new body has been passed by the inspectors of Weights and Measures, and can be supplied with calibrations and the official seal. Both types of body are mounted on the Fordson 9-ton forwardcontrol chassis, with a wheelbase of 9 ft. 10 ins.
More Money from Licences.
The gross amount received in payment for motor-vehicle licences issued during the nine months ended August 31, 1938, was £32,927,620, compared with £31,217,281 in the corresponding period of the previous year. The average receipt in respect of a wholeyear licence was 227 10s. for internalcombustion-engined and steam-driven goods vehicles, £20 16s. 6d. for electric goods vehicles and £54 13s. 6d. for motor hackneys.
Warning to Ballast Sellers.
A warning to haulage contractors was given by the Bury St. Edmund's Bench, in respect of observing the regulations under the new Act relating to the sale of sand and ballast, when the first case under the Act came before it. The town council prosecuted Mr. William Dutton for permitting ballast. for sale by the cubic yd., to be conveyed in a vehicle which did not bear a stamp of verification, also for measuring ballast by the cubic yd. otherwise than by means of a calibration mark. The Bench also prosecuted his son, Mr. Douglas Dutton, for failing to deliver a conveyance note to the consignee before delivery. A formal plea of not guilty was, later, amended to one of guilty.
Mr. H. R. Walrond, for the town n6 council, said that the council did not press the case, but brought it as a warning for the future. He said that if a conveyance note were not delivered the consignee could not later sue if he found the quantity delivered was not identical with that ordered.
Mr. Leonard Hobson, inspector of weights and measures, after giving evidence, said he was satisfied that Mr. Dutton did his best and was certain that the shortage was due to his servant guessing the measure.
Mr.Douglas Dutton was -fined 10s., but the summonses against Mr. William Dutton were dismissed on payment of 8s. costs.
Albion I5-tonner Body Length.
We are asked by Albion Motors, Ltd., Scotstoun, Glasgow, to point out that its new 15-ton rigid eight-wheeler, a road-test report of which appeared in our issue dated October 7, can carry a body 24 ft. long, measured from the back of the cab. In the dimension diagram, included in our report, a figure of 20 ft. was given, which we now learn is incorrect. Also the oil engine installed is type EN292.
France Co-ordinates Rail and Road Transport. .
A series of decrees, aimed at the prevention of unfair and Unprofitable competition between road and rail services in France, has been signed by President Lebrun. These deciees are intended to save the rail services, in spite of the competition offered by more adaptable road services. The first two decrees concern the transport of passengers, and eight others concern the co-ordination of the transport of goods. .
The most important decree regarding transport of goods states that longdistance road' transport must cost as much as long-distance train transport, the only kind of competition permissible being " quality of service."
Customers Demand Motors.
" Horsed transport is out of date and too slow. My customers ask for motor vehicles now," said Mr. George T.
Fraser, haulier, Commercial Quay, Aberdeen, to M. Henry Riches, Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, at Aberdeen, last week. He was giving evidence in support of an application for a lorry to replace two horse-drawn vehicles. Objections were lodged by the railway companies.
In reply to Mr. Riches, applicant said he would dispose of all his horses if he could get lorries. Mr. Riches said that when the applicant was granted a licence a year ago he had given an undertaking to dispose of certain horses and vehicles. He had done so, but later he had increased the number, Mr. Riches said that he had no evidence of increased business nor of an undertaking that the two horsed vehicles would be disposed of, and he could not grant the application. He would hear a fresh application within six weeks. SCOTTISH RAIL OBJECTION FAILS.
Before Mr. Henry Riches, Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, Mr, John Calder Fiddes, haulage contractor, Aberdeen, applied, last week, for the transfer of the existing licence held by Mr. Wilson Pine, New Deer. The London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co. opposed the application.
Mr. 'Pirie, in evidence, said he had agreed to sell to Mr. Fiddes the business, which was conducted mainly in the countiee of Aberdeen, Kincardine, Banff, Moray and Inverness, and he was meantime managing the business for him. Mr. Fiddes said that, although his main business was in Aberdeen, he did not intend to transfer the use of the vehicles from New Deer.
Granting the application, Mr. Riches said it was understood that the vehicles had still to be stationed at New Deer and that the daily carrier's service between New Deer and Aberdeen had to be continued.
Parcels Carriers Considering Rates.
A special meeting of the executive council of the National Conference of Express Carriers is being held, on 'November 1, to consider the liaison committee's draft of conditions of carriage and to determine procedure in regard to the classification and stabilization of rates. It is hoped that, at this meeting, some definite idea as to the best lines of approach to this important subject will be evolved.
London Street Works Programme.
An Order has been made by the Minister of Transport, fixing the dates on which works of road maintenance and improvement in the London traffic, area for the next six months shall be begun. No extensive works are proposed in the centre of London, and the area of carriageway to be resurfaced, totalling about 1,380,000 sq. yds.. shows a decrease, compared with last winter, of about 23 per cent. The removal of tram tracks is to be carried out in a number of districts.
For Cnllection and Delivery Only.
James Frasers' Transport Service, Ltd., Aberdeen, applied to the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, last week, for an additional light vehicle to be used for the collection and delivery of goods carried on the trunk service between Glasgow and Aberdeen. The application was opposed by the railway companies.
It was stated that the additional vehicle would add to the efficiency of the service, as the large vehicles used on the trunk services could not get into the yards of some of the warehouses in Aberdeen. A witness denied that the effect of the application, if granted, would be to release a vehicle, at present used on collection and delivery, for long-distance work. Mr. Riches granted the licence on the understanding that the vehicle at present used for collection and delivery would not be withdrawn and used on the trunk service. RECORDING BROADCASTS BY MOTOR VAN.
We illustrate on this page an interesting vehicle which has recently been supplied by Hamilton Motors (London), Ltd., the well-known commercialvehicle distributor, of 466-490. Edgware Road, London, W.2, to the order of the International Broadcasting Co., Ltd. The Bedford 2-ton chassis, which serves as its basis, has been converted to full forward control, and a loading space of 14 ft. 6 ins, is available.
The van is to be used in connection with the recording of the company's Radio Normandy broadcasts, and the interior is equipped as a workshop, complete with benches, cupboards, etc. A soundproof system is incorporated, wood wool being the insulating medium; the side windows are doubleglazed.
The comfort of the concern's engineers has been studied in many directions, one of the fitments aiding towards this end being the Clayton thermostatically controlled heater. Jackal! jacks are incorporated to ensure that the vehicle is on an even keel when recording operations are in progress.
Football Pools Increase Transport Demand.
Mr. Henry Riches, Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, last week con sidered an application by Charles Alexander, haulage contractor, Old Ford Road, -Aberdeen, for permission to replace three vhicles and a trailer by four vehicles of somewhat greater weight between Aberdeen and Liver
pool. This was necessitated, it was stated, by the carrying, from an Aberdeen paper mill, of consignments of paper for the making of football coupons.
Mr. Alexander stated, in evidence, that the trade was expanding and he sometimes had to leave goods other than fish behind because he could not clear his premises. lie proposed to use a new type of vehicle—a six-wheeler with twin steering axles, Objections were lodged by the railway companies. Further bearing was adjourned.
Aberdeen Contractor Refused B Licence.
An application by Mr. David Ross Stuart, firewood, merchant and contractor, Aberdeen, for a B licence, Was refused by the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority at Aberdeen last week. The application was opposed by the railway companies, and was for authority to run twice a week from Aberdeen to Inverness with general merchandise, excluding livestock, for Will and Co., Aberdeen.
Evidence was given by applicant and Mr. Robert Campbell, manager of Will and Co. EXPRESS CARRIERS AND WAGES BOARDS REPRESENTATION.
The National Conference of Express Carriers 'has -decided that direct representation on the Wages Boards, to be set up by the Minister of Labour, is not desired, but that both the Minister and the national organizations should be asked to ensure that, in each area, at least one operator is appointed, who has knowledge of, and can represent, the interests of the " smalls.'' Vigzol Maintains Progress.
Less in thickness than the wavelength of light, yet capable of withstanding a pressure of 1,000 lb. per sq. in., was Professor A. M. Low's description of a Vigzol oil film, when speaking, in his usual inimitable style, at the annual dinner and dance—a most enjoyable function—of the Vigzol Oil Refining Co. (London), Ltd., held at the Savoy Hotel, last Friday, at which about 600 persons were present. Other speakers included the chairman of the company, Mr. Percy Bilton, Mr. F. Ifilton, Sir Walter Peacock, K.C.V.O., and Mr. A. E. Dutton.
For the past 18 years, said the chairman, the organization be controlled .had progressed steadily, and during the past 12 months Vigzol sales had exceeded the previous maximum, Shipping Guide for Hauliers.
The following is the number of ships arriving at the London docks, wharves and jetties named, from October 21 to 29 inclusive:—Docies: King George V. 4; Royal Albert, 7; Royal Victoria, 2; Surrey Commercial, 7; West India, 4; South West India, 2; Tilbury, 12; Tilbury Stage, 2; Miliwall, 4; Royal, 2; Purfleet. I. WHARVES: Hays, 3; Mark Brown's, 1; Butler's, L