NEWS of the WEEK
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AN Order from the Secretary of Mines prohibits the use of kerosene or paraffin, either alone or mixed with motor spirit or, oil fuel; for any motor
vehicle. Exceptions are agricultural tractors and engines permitted on roads only when engaged in farming work. The Order came into force on October 16, and since then it has been an offence for any person to sell or supply these fuels for use in motor vehicles, or to use them for this purpose.
World-wide Tractor Match Cancelled.
NEXT February's International Ploughing Match, which was intended to attract tractor entrants from many parts of the world, has been cancelled by Northern Ireland Ploughing Association.
Sugar-beet Costs Increased. 00MPLAINTS of increased costs to sugar-beet growers, owing to the rise in haulage and labour, have reached the National Farmers Union. The Union has taken the matter up with the Sugar Commission to see if something cannot be arranged to compensate growers for this result of war conditions, Our Birmingham Office Transferred.
AS from yesterday, October 20, the Birmingham Office of The Commercial Motor, at 61-65, New Street, is transferred, until further notice, to our Coventry Office, at 50, Hertford Street (telephone, Coventry 60095). As from the date mentioned, all communications for the attention of our staff in the Midlands must be sent to the Coventry address.
Was Army Valuation Too Small?
IN view of the importance of the proceedings, Sheriff Brown, of Hamilton Sheriff Court, has adjourned the petition by Mr. John Binnie, contractor and coal merchant, 59, Carabusnethan Street, Wishaw, for legal determination of the value of two lorries impressed by the Army. Mr. Binnie is dissatisfied with the value allowed by the impressing officer.
Farm Contractors Now Encouraged by Government.
ACHANGE in Government policy on the method of getting its reserve of farm tractors to work has just been announced.
Originally, the intention was to place the whole of the reserve machines in the hands of County War Agricultural Committees, to be used directly by the committees to assist in the ploughingup campaign_ The new policy is directed rather towards encouraging the work of the established contractor, al6 and committees may be permitted to allocate tractors to suitable contractors, who will become responsible for the organization of their use.
The committees, it is anounced, will, in approved cases, undertake payment of operating costs and the collection of accounts from the farmers. In this way full advantage may be taken of existing experienced organizations.
British Makers Can Use German Patents.
AN Act has now been passed authorizing the use of German patents by British concerns. Application must first be made to the Patent Office, which, in approved cases, will grant licences.
AS from yesterday, October 20, fur ration coupons will be issued i operators of goods and public-servb vehicles on a fortnightly basis, inster, of the present weekly basis. In futu applications for supplementary good vehicle rations, so far as they can I estimated in advance, should be Mac fortnightly on the Wednesday befo each basic-ration issue day.
Operators of public-service vehicl should also submit applications supplementary issues in advance Regional Transport Commissioners, that those issues may be made, so f as is practicable, at the same time the basic rations.