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The Country's Road Tr-ansport Needs Must Not be Subservient to Politically Powerful Opponents W E learn, on good authority,...
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Nalkers Should Folr iE" black out" has again ow e Keep to the turned attention to the im .eft Advice" . . portance of more...
That the need for maintaining and developing the xport trade in commercial motors is not being overNiked. That it's now a real...
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PARAFFIN AND KEROSENE FUEL BANNED FOR ROAD MOTORS. A N Order from the Secretary of Mines prohibits the use of kerosene or...
" rrIME spent in driving is a question 1 that should be decided on the facts of each c'ase." This important decision was...
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S PEAKING at a meeting held by the "..-"Scottish Commercial Motor Users' Association, at Glasgow, on Sunday last, Mr. A....
Producer-gas Vehicles D OAD-TRANSPORT operators' asso ciations in Yorkshire are to cooperate in arranging a demonstration Of ....
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WHEN sufficient quantities of the new head-lamp cowl, IT conforming with the latest official specification, are availlble,...
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M OST hauliers are. extravagant in the way they run their vehicles, and have little idea of what it costs to run them. These...
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ALD. J. W. IREMONGER has been nominated by Retford Town Council to the panel of the East Midland Traffic Area. • MR. J. L,...
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L AST Tuesday, at a conference with the Press at which the chairman (Lieut.-Commander J. Havers), the director (Mr. R. W....
I N The Commercial Motor of October 7 Mr. Ernest Bevin, General Secretary of The Transport and General Workers Union, writing...
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7.4-LITRE VI OIL ENGINE Aeroflow Principle, Tested and Wellproved in Succesiful"P" -series Engines, Now Applied to Larger Unit...
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New Wages Scale, With Amendments T HERE were some heated exchanges at the . meeting (called by the C.M.U.A. and A.R.0.) which...
AST week we stated that we would refer to points in the Ldpresidential address, "Tributaries of Transport," prelented by Mr. T....
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By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent A.R.O. SUPPORTS PRIVATE-HIRE PETROL CLAIMS. THE Minister of Mines was asked...
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connected with the use of COM mercial motors. Letters should be written on only one side of the paper. The right of...
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Norfolk Agriculturist, Operating Laid Tractor on Solid Fuels, is Enthusiastic About Its All round Capabilities A T a cost of...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT WAR DELAYS BUSCONVERSION SCHEME L IFE of the tramways in Manchester 1...ais to be extended, consequent on...
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A N adaptation of the Cotal magnetic gearbox to endless-track vehicles is shown in patent No. 511,791, by J. Cotal, 2, rue de...