Yorkshire Plans Demonstration of
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Producer-gas Vehicles
D OAD-TRANSPORT operators' asso ciations in Yorkshire are to cooperate in arranging a demonstration Of . producer-gas vehicles, to which members will be invited. This was announced at a meeting in Leeds on Tuesday, under the auspices of A.R.O. Yorkshire Area and the C.M.U.A. North-Eastern Division. Major Goddard, representing British Gazogenes, Ltd., explained the .company's gas producer in detail.
It is hoped to have a demonstration in Leeds in about a fortnight.
Mr. James Orr, of Low Temperature Carbonisation, Ltd., said that the company was producing large quantities of Coalite specially for producer-gas vehicles and could supply any demand in the north.
Mr. A. H. Butterwick, chairman of A.R.O. Yorkshire Area, presidir criticized the Government for hamp. iv gas-producer experiments by r excluding th'e apparatus from vehic taxation weight.
Major Goddard claimed that produi gas was the only practicable alten tive fuel, at any rate for medium a heavy haulage over long distances. . instanced the bus recently fitted w a gas producer near Manchester, whhas a hopper holding 5 cwt. of anth eiteenough to drive the vehicle t. miles on one charge. The fuel. cost v equivalent to that of petrol at 5d. gallon.
The cost of the British Gazoge; plant for a 6-tonner would be• abc 040 and fitting would cost about Corresponding figures for a 24-ton would be about 917/ and £30. GAS FOR TRANSPORT AT Is, 3d. FOR 300 CUBIC FT.
PLANS have been completed by Newcastle and Gateshead Gas Co. for the substitution of gas for petrol for driving motor vehicles, and there are hopes that garage owners and petrolfilling stations in the area will take part in the scheme.
Mr. J. E. White, chief technical officer to the company, explained last week that an ordinary bus belonging to the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., and converted to the use of gas, had been operating six days a week for th?. past year on the Newcastle-Blaydon route. Gas had proved equal to petrol in acceleration qualities, pulling power and general performance, and it was economical.
He stated that the company was getting supplies of 300-cubic-ft. gas bags (equal to about 1 gallons of petrol). Gas could be sold to garage concerns at a figure—about ls. 3d. for 300 cubic ft. —which would yield the garage a fair return. All gas companies in the north of England had been advised of the plan and were co-operating with the Newcastle and Gateshead Gas Co.
Australia to Produce Oil.
I T is expected that production of oil from shale will begin this month at Glen Davis, near Lithgow, New South Wales. According to the Federal Minister of Supply, it will not be necessary to ration petrol and oil supplies in Australia, even during war-time.
Distribution of Singers.
THE Park Lane showroom of Singer Motors, Ltd., has been closed temporarily, and the company is controlling the London distribution from its service station at Lancelot Road, Wembley.
A RECENT addition to the trailer rt fire pumps available for A.R.P. and other purposes, is the Apex 500, made by the Apex Supply Co., Ltd., to Home Office specification. Powered by a Ford V8 30 h.p. petrol engine, the pumping plant incorporates a gunmetal single-stage centrifugal pump capable of delivering 580 g.p.rn. at 80 lb. per sq. in.
Other features of the outfit include a Scintilla Vertex magneto (with automatic advance and retard gear, governor and impulse starter), a Sole,x carburetter with easy-starting device, a 30-gallon petrol tank and pump feed to carburetter. An electrically welded steel frame forms the basis of the trailer, whilst the wheels are equipped with Girling 10-in, brakes and shod with 6.5-20 tyres.
The sole sales concessionnaire for Great Britain is George Cohen, Sons and Co., Ltd., Wood Lane, London, Swiss Import Duty Dropped.
IT is reported from Berne that, until December 31, 1941, the Swiss import duty is to be refunded on chassis for light vans and lorries having a carrying capacity of not more than 800 kilos. (about l5i cwt.), and equipped with Swiss bodywork.