One Hears— That any firin' content to give " stand-and-wait
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" • service will finish as an "also ran." _ That high fares take money from municipal transpori: and put it in the cobblers' pockets.
The query "Is it the friendly personality ' of leather that causes some shoes to emit conversational s:itleaks to break a soundless barrier?" Of those who prophesy that plastic robots will inherit the earth. _ _ That we must keep on our toes, with the Germans on our heels, or that position in world markets will soon be reversed.
That only super-efficiency can beat efficiency and business acumen can easily tip the scales.
That good book-keeping is the first milestone on the road to profit making.
That in any tests and competitions conducive to road safety it should somehow be made possible for all drivers to participate.
That Van DoOrne's Automobieffabriek, of' Eindhoven, Holland, recently celebrated the production of their 10,000th DAF lorry.
That a .youngster of nine, living in Cumberland,recently, without encouragement, cane celled his subscription for his Mickey MintSe, and ordered The Commercial Motor.
it suggested that these paragraphs must appeal to him, as they-appear to in the case of many older people.
That many farmers would be grateful if it were definitely laid down what loads are and arc not "farm produce," instead of it being left to the varying decisions of local magistrates.