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W HEN the stimulus to unity created by national events is removed, practical service to members will determine the future of...
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T HE labour situation is becoming acute in road haulage in the Midlands and some other areas. Hauliers are complaining that...
The Red Flag A S a sign of impending danger the red flag has been replaced in most cases by red lights, traffic lights and...
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" • service will finish as an "also ran." _ That high fares take money from municipal transpori: and put it in the cobblers'...
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PIA FTER talks lasting five hours in London, on Monday, the National Joint Industrial Council for the road passenger transport...
IN future, operators are likely to have much greater difficulty in defending themselves on charges concerning defective...
A FTER a two-day sitting the Transport Arbitration Tribunal reserved decision on Tuesday on an application by Hescroff Bros.,...
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R EPRESENTATIVES of local authorities concerned with the Black wall Tunnel met at London County Hall on Tuesday to discuss the...
N O hint of a reassessment of the loss on the disposal of British Road Services vehicles is contained in the Transport Fund...
A N unusual excursion licence was last 'week g ranted to Geor g e Ewer and Co., Ltd., by the Metropolitan Deputy Licensin g...
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'Ma. E. L. ELLIOT and MR. P. B. LAKE have been appointed directors of the National Steel Foundry (1914), Ltd. MR. G. M....
QIX silver cups have been presented by the Company of Veteran Motorists to the British Transport Commission to be competed for...
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T HE Central Transport Consultative Committee have recommended that the Minister of Transport should permit the use of...
F IRST results of the campaign against bans on loading and unloading goods vehicles have been "most setisfactory," state the...
W HAT is claimed to be the highestquality lubricating oil yet marketed under the brand name Mobiloil, was introduced last...
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ONDITIONAL fare increases were last week granted to Glasgow Transport Department after the Scottish Licensing Authority had...
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j'HE motoring organizations intend I. to resist the introduction of parkii'g meters int° this country with all the resources at...
N O employee should be allowed to interfere with any vehicle, under penalty of dismissal," stated Mr. F. Shaw, Notts County...
P UBLIC transport in Ulster is losing money at the rate of Elm. a year, it is reported. The Ulster Transport Authority have now...
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A SUB-COMMITTEE of the National I — I Joint Industrial Council for the road passenger transport industry decided last week that...
Nu-Swift, Ltd., have opened showrooms and offices at 25 Piccadilly, London, W.I. Searnmen Lorrie • s' annual staff ball will...
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EADOWS oil engines are now being fitted in Guy chassis. The Jets-Tug Mark If 3-ion tractor also has a new engine—the Austin MO...
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T HE new holder of the title Lorry Driver of the Year is J. Hall, of Leeds Industrial Co-operative Society. This was decided in...
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Experiments Since 1931 to Determine Causes of Wear in Cylinder Bores T HE cost of research in this country was probably between...
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Divisional Officials to Study Causes and Prevention of • Accidents and Make 'Recommendations T HE appointment of special...
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riviL war between the, various road transport interests seems by no means an impossibility, for 1 hear that the protests of the...
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THE editor of The Derbyshire Times, Mr. Morton H. Edmunds, is to be commended for drawing attention to the apparently...
A S a regular reader of your journal, I would like to ask your views concerning an accident which occurred early one morning....
\TOUR issue of October 7 (page 263) gives an I interesting account and illustration of a six-wheeler conversion. It is stated...
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and N.A.F.W.R.? T "agreement entered into between the Road Haulage Association and the National Association of .Furniture...
A 12-SEAT coach based on the Morris L.D.2 chassis is now being , offered by Wadham Bros., 1.1d., London Road, Waterlooville,...
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O PERATORS of 377 vehicles, the B.I. Transport Co., Ltd., the transport arm of the Joseph Rank group, are kept, as a matter of...
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W FIAT will ultimately : be the most significant point about the pensions scheme for workers now recommended by the Road...
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• n i URCHASES of list 12 units are r reported from four areas this week. According to the current issues of Applications and...
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A NEW luxury coach body for Bedford $130 chassis has been produced by Plaxtons (Scarborough). ltd.. Seamer Road, Scarborough ;...
J UDG[NG by the number of inquiries received by The Commercial Motor, it is obvious that purchase tax, as it affects goods...
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I WOULD like to call the scheme I have been describing in this series the four-book system of recording costs and revenue, and...
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P ATENT No. 733,579 comes from I Thompson Products Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. The subject is a pump for water or other liquid. The...