Ceylon Reshuffle to Avoid "Staleness " A CEYLON Civil Servant, Mr.
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D. J. Dayaratyne, has been appointed general manager of the ailing Ceylon Transport Board. Fifty-two depot managers and other traffic officials are due for a reshuffle next year, the Minister of Nationalized Services, Mr. Sarath Wijesinghe, has announced. This, he said, is because they have all been in the same post since the Board's inception in January, 1959, and the move will help to remove "staleness." Meanwhile, a series of measures aimed at effecting economies have been announced. Special officers are being suggested to cheek on wide discrepancies between tickets issued and daily returns. A sub-committee has also recommended a close check on fuel consumptions and a closer check on the issue of spares. The Ceylon Fares Board has recommended the Government to nationalize all the private vans and station wagons which "pirate" over the Ceylon Transport Board's routes.
LONDON I.o.TA. MEETINGS THE first • two meetings in the 1960-61 session of the London centre of the Institute of Traffic Administration have been arranged. On November 2, Mr. Dudley Perkins is to give a paper on " The responsibilities of carriers and warehousekeepers for their customers' goods, and of carriers for their passengers' safety." It will be delivered at 6.30 p.m. in Caxton Hall. On December 1, in the Kingsley Hotel, Bloomsbury Way, W.C.1, at 6.30 p.m., a brains trust will answer impromptu questions from the floor. This brains trust will consist of Mr. Fred Eastwood, national goods transport secretary, Transport and General Workers' Union, Mr. W. A. Heymann. managing director, J. and H. Transport Services (Peckham). Ltd., Mr. Robert Mellish, Labour M.P. for Bermondsey, and Mr. Geoffrey Wilson, Conservative M.P. for Truro.
AN appeal by Chesterfield Transport Department against two decisions of the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners has been dismissed with costs by the Minister of Transport. Chesterfield had appealed against refusal of their application to include another pick-up point on an express service, and against the grant of an extension on a stage service run by East Midland Motor Services, Ltd. The Corporation's licence was obtained in succession to one held by the late Mr. F. FL Doughty.
WHAT THE COUNCIL FOUND "THERE is much to be said for the bus operator's point of view on the subject of the need for higher fares." This was the gist of the findings of a special sub-committee of Urmston Urban District Council. which was set up "to examine increasing bus fares charged by the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd." The council has admitted now that its population is paying sub-standard fares.