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F OR years hauliers have been pleading for road transport to be removed from the political arena. This happy state has not been...
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T HE licensing system has its imperfections but it is easier to criticize than to devise improvements that will do justice to...
Hug harles Tett F .4 1/EN the least percipient observers of the modern industrial scene-cannot but be aware of the powerful...
By The Hawk The Jet Age "THIS has truly been named the jet age. I know, because L I went to the Road Haulage Association's...
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£305,000 PAID FOR LEWIS AND KIRKDALE T WO old-established Liverpool road transport companies have been acquired by Consolidated...
D ETAILS of a petrol injection system which is simple and relatively cheap were announced on Wednesday by Simms Motor Units,...
THE first of five Scammell Routeman .I. eight-wheeled tankers — the first tankers the company has operated—went into service on...
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FROM A SVECIAL CORRESPONDENT • T HE question of 28-ton-gross multi-wheeled tankers, turned down flat by the Minister of...
KIEW proposals by Blackpool Corpora tion to run a stage service might easily develop into an • unauthorizell excursion, Mr....
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Ms J. BAXTER has been appointed central area engineer Ribble Motor Services, Ltd. MR. G. B. G. POTTER has retired from the...
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A COMPLAINT against the British r -1 Transport . Commission was made by a solicitor, Mr. M. H. Jackson-Lipkin, before Mr. C. J....
STAYING AT HOME T HE annual prize awarded by the British Electric Traction Co., Ltd., to the candidate who, being an employee...
QLOW-MOVING vehicles will be con voyed through the Mersey Tunnel at off-peak periods, mainly during the night, and reduced...
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riGHT Bristol men, all of them engaged in the motor trade, were committed for trial at the next Assizes, which open at...
T HE prototype of a . new military vehicle was demonstrated to Gen. Norstad, Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, when he...
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O BJECT1ONS by the British Transport Commission were not pressed when comparative newcomers to the industry, J. Russon, Ltd.,...
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In Scotland last week, the Transport Tribunal heard a series of appeals. The decisions on these, reported on this page,...
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Theft Prevention By Gearbox Lock A N effective means of locking the gearbox of a commercial vehicle in neutral-as a deterrent...
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A FIER agreeing to delete the words "London" and " Lancashire " from a proposed normal user, an additional vehicle was added on...
Showrooms Opened: W. Watson and Co. (Liverpool), Ltd., opened new showrooms in Birkenhead last Friday. Transport, Too : A...
A CARLISLE company, R. Liddle, Ltd., were granted eight additional tippers without objection by the Northern Licensing...
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A LTHOUGH the linkin g of three of his .t—t North Wales destinations involved deviations from authorized routes, it was...
D. J. Dayaratyne, has been appointed g eneral mana g er of the ailing Ceylon Transport Board. Fifty-two depot managers and...
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HANDS OF1 )UR FLEET T HE giant of the transport world in this country is the C-licensed fleet. Nearly 1,200,000 vehicles...
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BY TOM WALKERLEY L ATE reports from control centres all over the country would seem to indicate that not all the 181 vehicles...
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r - V A DRILL stand which attaches itself by magnetism . to any ferrous surface being drilled is manufactured by Magco, Ltd.,...
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A COMPANY a month—or thereabouts—is the 1960 take-over record of Mr. Peter Wise, chairman of the Wise Group of companies. In...
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rrHE . man nn the van is just as important to you as -an arribas Sador Of your btisiness as the • manager, the ' estimator or...
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V ARIOUS commercial vehicle applications of the Sprag clutch have been announced by Renold Chains, Ltd., Wythenshawe....
CA A MOBILE showroom for displaying electrical equipment has been built by Carrimore Six Wheelers, Ltd.. North Finchley,...
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T HE table of costs on page 390 of your October 7 issue shows the problems of obtaining adequate rates that face transport...
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A MONG . this week's controversial licence applications is one by B.R.S., Newport, for eight extra A-licence vehicles to carry...
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T O meet the requirements of a local trader, D. H. Morgan (Engineers), Ltd„ Wraeclesham, Farnham, ,Surrey, have developed a...
QPEAK1NG last week at a meeting of Li York sub-area of the Road Haulage Association, Mr. Arthur Good, a chartered civil...
A CALLfor adequate support for those who press, for road improvements was made in Canada on Tuesday by Mr. C. T, Brunner,...
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H OW the increasing use of the motor vehicle could be provided for in the future was the underlying theme of a conference held...
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T HE injunction to blind them with science can hardly ever have been taken more literally than by Mr. K. C. W. Grand, a member...
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pATENT No. 840,514 covers a rotary salvage container, for wastepaper and other articles with a resale value, which can be...