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For CPC students taking RSA exam

22nd August 1981, Page 21
22nd August 1981
Page 21
Page 21, 22nd August 1981 — For CPC students taking RSA exam
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JANUARY 1978 saw new legi lation whereby anyone responi ble for operating goods vehicli for hire or reward must be jar fessionally competent to ho the new type of operatc licences.

The second edition of Day Lowe's A Study Manual of Pr fessional Competence in Fl(N Transport Management (Koge Page, £10.50) is aimed at provi ing a course of study in if National and International syll buses of Royal Society of Ar examination for profession competence.

• This edition has been consil erably enlarged to take accoui of changes in the legislation an modifications in the RSA sylli bus since the first edition wz published.

The manual deals not on with matters directly related 1 the legal and administrative a pects of goods vehicle open tion, but also with the wider 1: sues of general managemei techniques. Typical examinatio questions and answers whic appear at the end of each sei tion.

The book's excellent index er ables readers to go straight t the required information.

This is one publication whic must be considered as textbook for the CPC examine tion and is recommended b CM.