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Fowler Gets Involved In Dangerous Affair
GULATIONS extending and updating the existing legislation on .1 carrying of dangerous substances in road tankers have been laid fore Parliament by Transport Secretary Norman......
Cold Edge Of Steel
APPEARING BEFORE a ban ruptcy court, a 37-year-o haulage contractor has de cribed how the 1979 ste workers' strike spelt the begi fling of the end for his busines John......
Bfi Holds Itself Open
an open day at Castle BFI staff will be available on a consultancy basis to advise people interested in all the group's services. BFI Trucks Division has recently gained an......
Back To Normal At Soton
FOLLOWING a three-month dispute between dockers and ti British Transport Docks Board at Southampton, shipping lines set ing the Far East, North America, Europe, South and East......