3ENERAL manager of the Bristol )ranch of Peter Lane (Transport)
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.td, Tony Hammond, has noved to the position of direcor. Mr Hammond started with he company in 1972 as a traffic lerk and over the years has vorked his way up to his new ole as director.
Ferrymasters have appointed lark Green to handle all grou;age inquiries from customers .1 London and the south-east Dllowing the arrangement bekeen Ferrymasters' Groupage nd Parts Load Division and ;toremasters Ltd, whereby the ondon-based company will ct as a receiving depot for Ferymasters Scandinavian and Vest European groupage traffic that region. Mr Green, who is ased at Ferrymasters' London ffice in Wanstead, has joined le company after a number of ears with other shipping and ansport companies.
Bob Howells is to take over om J. Bayliss as traffic manger of West Yorkshire Road ar. Mr Howells joined the bus idustry in 1972 as a senior mangement trainee and worked his vo-year training period with Dtteries Motor Traction. In 1974 3 became assistant to the strict superintendent (North
east) at London Country Bus Services and moved to the North-west district of the same company in 1975 in a similar capacity, becoming the district traffic superintendent in 1976. He moved to his current position as assistant traffic manager (East) at Crosville Motor Services in 1978.
Currently chief engineer of National Travel (South-west), Peter Hill has become chief engineer of National Travel (West) following the merger of the two companies. He will continue to be based at Cheltenham, with responsibilities for the engineering staff at the Cheltenham and Bristol operating units. He will co-operate with Ribble engineers responsible for maintaining National Travel (West) vehicles at the Liverpool, Blackpool and Manchester units.
Malcolm Begg has been named as assistant operations manager at the Port of Felixstowe, a new position which will carry responsibility for customer relations. Mr Begg will also be responsible for directing, co-ordinating and developing operational activities at Britain's most modern port. He is no stranger. to Felixstowe, having spent the last seven years with Sea-Land Containerships Ltd, first as terminal manager and then for the
past four years as port manager. Prior to this Mr Begg served with Sea-Land at Liverpool and Preston.
The new general manager of C.A.P. Bodies Ltd, the commercial vehicles builders based in Sandy, Bedfordshire, is Harry Elms. He is to head a team aimed at exploring new areas and opening up new markets, particularly overseas.
George Fraser, a former chairman of the Road Haulage Association's Scottish area, has been made a life member of the Association, and Willie McMillan has also been elected an honorary member. Recently retired from the P&O company, James Hemphill Ltd, he will act as a consultant to the Association's Tanker national functional group in his retirement.
Hugh Stewart has replaced Mike Diacono as the RHA's commercial officer. Mr Stewart will also act as executive officer, International Group.
The Motor Agents' Association has a new director of technical and commercial services in Frank Shepheard who joined the Association last year as area manager for North London. For the past 15 years he has 'been employed in an executive cafia city by three major mc groups in North London. joined the MAA from BL di butor and parts wholesa Mann Egerton in Whetsti where he was general parts service manager. He has worked for Perkins Engines.
At a recent meeting of Court of Assistants of Worshipful Company of men, John Wells was elei master for 1981/2. Sen warden is C. Anthony Hart, junicir warden F. Bird.
Ron Bridle, director of Transport and Road Rese Laboratory and controller o research and development, been elected the 37th presic of the Institute of Highway E neers for 1981/82. He has b an active member of the Insti since 1957.
Alan Talbot is to take ove advertisement manager of C mercial Motor in successior Ronnie Gordon who leaves I. this month. Mr Talbot was merly advertisement manage Motor Cycle Weekly, also p lished by the IPC group. Work alongside Alan Talbot will Guy Brown who becomes an vertisement representative CM. He was previously with classified advertisement dep ment of IPC Consumer Indi ries Press.