New Equipment and Publications
Page 65

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Powered Ventilation
ALTHOUGH powered ventilators produced by the Key-Leather Co., Ltd.. 5 Urswick Road, London,
E.9, have been fitted to passenger vehicles for some years they have only recently been put into service on goods vehicles.
The K-L motorized ventilator has a capacity of 250 cu. ft. of air per minute and the fan is driven by a reversible motor allowing it to be used for intake or extracJ.ion. L. Burkett, Ltd., delivering poultry in London, were among the first to fit one of these ventilators to a van and found that it kept the interior fresh even during the heat of last summer, Fast Work nUICK coarse adjustment is a fcature
of the Rackclatip manufactured by Carver and Co. (Engineers). Ltd., Eldon Street, Walsall, Staffs. The clamp consists of a beat-treated, cast main frame incorporating a fixed lower jaw and teeth formed on the inside of the upright section.
The upper jaw assembly is a loose fit on this rack portion when it is tilted for coarse adjustment but is locked to it for final bracing by a screw turned by a tommy bar. The Rack clamp is available in 6-in. and 12-in. versions.
Cable Standard AREVISED edition of the British Standard covering electrical cables for vehicle wiring systems is now available from the British Standards Institution, Sales Branch, 2 Park Street, London, W.I. The Standard is entitled B.S. 1862:1959 and costs 7s. 6d.
Heavy-duty Mirror THE latest Ra;.yot commercial vehicle mirror is 51 in. wide and 41 in. deep. It is carried on a single arm incorporating two universal joints and a two-hole mounting bracket. The complete assembly
is 1 ft. 3 in. long and costs II Is. with a flat.,, glass or El 3s. 6d. with a convex mirror. It is finished in polished aluminium and silver enamel and is manufactured by James Neale and Sons, Ltd., Graham Street, Birmingharn, 1.
Buyers' Guide A DIRECTORY giving details of the ri suppliers of British-made engineers' cutting .tools published by the National Federation of Engineers' Tool Mani*. facturers, Light Trades House, Melbourne Avenue, Sheffield, costs 5s. by post. The " Guide for Buyers" contains, in -addition to the names and addresses of suppliers, trade names and marks. A list of tools available is printed in English, French, German and Spanish.
Nylon News A BOOKLET entitled " It's Nylon for AL Tyres" published by British Nylon Spinners, Ltd., 68 Knightsbridge, London, S.W.1, outlines the claimed advantages for nylon in tyre construction, backing these up by reports from commercialvehicle operators. A pictorial section describes the process of nylon production and the manner in which it is incorporated in tyre casings.
Fire-fighting THE latest 94-page catalogue from Nu-Swift, Ltd.. Elland, Yorkshire, contains details not only of their extensive range of fire-extinguishing appliances but provides comprehensive advice on the nature of fires and the best means of fighting them.