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A NEW attack has been directed a g ainst the tyre industry by the Free Trade Union and Cobden Club. They are ur g in g the...
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Transport-17 Thoma leorge Gibb E VEN if personal integrity did nOt keep Thomas 'George Gibb on his toes—and everybody who...
I‘AY mind flashed back some 30 years when. at the cocktail party held by Goodyear in honour of Mr. A. S. Bishop, their...
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Net Receipts Rise to Over £16m. :All Types of Service Benefit :" Wages Up Nearly . f5m. T HE accounts of the coach and bus...
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SIR WILLIAM SINCLAIR, director of the Dunlop Rubber Co. (Scotland), Ltd., is to retire on January 31. , MR. CURTIS M. KLAERNER...
H AD there been red reflectors on the side of this lorry's trailer, most certainly this accident would not have happened," said...
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F IFTY new vehicles are g oin g into operation with Southdown Motor Services, Ltd. Fifteen are Leyland Ti g er Cub coaches with...
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M ORE facilities for coach-air holidays would compete with the operation of Continental coach tours, the North Western Traffic...
A N application by G. A, Glendinning, Ltd., Shotley Bridge, County Durham. to operate a car transporter under B licence, which...
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'FINES totalling £467, with £52 10s. 1 costs, were imposed on a Reading grocery company by the borough magistrates, on Monday,...
nEMANDS for restrictions on opera tions by farmers for hire or reward were considered on Wednesday at a meeting of the national...
A T the resumed hearing, in Leeds last week, of an application by Hanson Haulage, Ltd., Huddersfield, for the addition of seven...
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LTHOUGH a company seeking an A 1 — k licence for 22 vehicles and three articulated . outfits from Mr. W. F. Quin, Scottish '...
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NAUNICIPAL bus undertakings should Pa be allowed to run services beyond their boundaries to serve rural areas. A recommendation...
O RDERS to the value of more than .£250,000 for singleand double-deck bus chassis have been received by Leyland Motors, Lta.....
B ECAUSE W. A. Baxter and Sons, Ltd.; Fochabers, food canners, wanted only :Mr. G. S. Coutts, Kinnellar, to carry their goods,...
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I N the face of strong opposition by local interests (The Commercial Motor, January 1), a licence to operate coach tours on the...
A WARNING that he would be severely dealt with if he did not comply with his licence conditions in future was given to Mr....
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C ONSUMPTION of soft drinks in this country last year, at over 330m. gallons, was nearly three times as much as 20 years...
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Powered Ventilation A LTHOUGH powered ventilators produced by the Key-Leather Co., Ltd.. 5 Urswick Road, London, E.9, have...
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Front -wheel Drive and Excellent Suspension Distinguish 25-cwt. Pick-up : Exhilarating Performance from 1.5-litre Engine By...
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A FTER a four-year interval, the Brussels Salon de l'Autornobile has returned to the international scene in force. This year's...
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Political Commentary By JANUS O UT of sight but not out of mind, Mr. Ernest Marples, Minister of Transport, has succeeded in...
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IF the motorways are to be designated according to the I order in which they were built, there will be some inconsistency with...
S TATED to be available at extremely reasonable prices, cut-down versions of oil-engined passenger vehicles are being offered...
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rWO new forward-control bus or coach chassis were announced by Dodge ;ros. (Great Britain), Ltd., Chrysl er Vorks, Kew,...
T HE addition of two vehicles to the A licence of Messrs. T. Brady and Sons, Barrow-in-Furness, by Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon,...
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rehi c l es By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. T HE fleet of the Bridgewater Department of the Manchester Ship Canal Co. is an...
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QHAREHOLDERS of Guy Motors, k--)Ltd., have been strongly recommended by the directors to support the re-election to the board...
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I EXPLAINED last week that when the operating costs or a wide variety of vehicles employed under differing conditions were...
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A DISC brake actuating mechanism is shown in patent No. 823,875. Although illustrated for hydraulic operation it can be used...
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D ODGE trucks have been built at the Kew, Surrey, factory of Dodge Brothers (Britain) Ltd., since 1930 when they became...
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)ver 5o different models with Forward and Normal Control HERE' is no doubt about it: the range of hides Produced today by adge...
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P URPOSE VEHICLES GoN OODGE CHASSIS 1.74AEYNOTE of the Dodge range is its versatility in application which enables many...
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D EPENDABLE after sale s . service f o r the vehicle he buys is as vital to the transport operator as the vehicle • itself, He...