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1.74AEYNOTE of the Dodge range is its versatility in application which enables many differing types of bodywork to be ccommodated. From the 54 basic models -1 the range the ideal truck can be selected ry the !sae of a wide variety of optional quipment, such as two-speed axles, helper prings and frame flitch plates.
The safety margin covered by the recomnended gross vehicle weight ratings quoted or vehicles operating. in Great Britain is itch that a concession for overloading to the xtent of 20% of the manufacturer's pubished nominal payload ratings does not ffect their guarantee, providing helper prings and the appropriate tyre equipment re fitted. This means, in the case of the 7 ton nodel, an extra 1 ton 8 cwt. of payload, which nables operators to effect useful economies n operation.
Bulk Haulage Applications
The flexibility in the recommended gross 'chicle . weight ratings is often pursued 'Luther in special purpose applications, such s the bulk haulage of powders and liquids >ecause bulk bodies take the form of a :ontainer having a predetermined capacity Or carrying a constant commodity, the density Of which is known. It is therefore possible to ascertain the .maximum load and its distribution on the axles. The manufacturer states that it is not practical to generalize on the maximum limits which can he entertained, all special cases being judged on their individual merits. It is obvitaus however that within the weight classification covered by the Dodge range it is almost certain that the ideal vehicle can be found to meet the needs of today's trend towards, specialiaation in transport.
Among the many advantages of the Dodge chassis with a 6 ton nominal payload and upwards is the five-speed gearbox, of which there are two types according to engines.
Mechanical power takeoffs which can be fitted at the Factory are normally available in two sizes and typical examples are as follows : Models with 305 "and 340 Cu. in. diesel engine Right braid p,1,-o. opening; 10.57 h.p. at 2,000 r.p.m.. of the engine and 1,100 r.p.m. of the p,t.-o. or 13.87 h.p. at 2,000 .t.p(m. of he engine and 1,100 r.p.rn of the p.t.-o. Models fitted with 351 cu. in. diesel engine: Right hand p.t.-o. opening; 17.38 1),p. at 2,000 r.p.m. of the engine and 1,450 r.p.m. of the p.t.-o, or 23.89 h.p. at 2,000 r.p.m. of the engine arid.1,450 r.p.rn. of the Models fitted with 375 cu. in. diesel engine: 30 h.p. at 1,845 of the engine and 1,500 r.p.m. of the p.t.-o.
These outputs apply to models most frequently used with power take-offs but all chassis in the range can he so equipped, infcinnation as to the power obtainable being available on request. In all cases the power take-off output shaft rotates in the opposite direction to that of the engine. With the gearbox fitted to the 305, 340 and 351 Cu. engine, only limited speed is available from the left-hand p.t.-o. opening but this is normally sufficient to operate such equipment as hydraulic pumps for tipping purposes when the right-hand opening is being used to drive other equipment,
Six Wheel Conversions
Further evidence of the inherent strength of Dodge chassis is to be found in the considerable number of high tonnage models which have been converted to trailing axle or twin steer six-wheelers. Machines which have been adapted in this way to enable a greater payload to be carried within legal
limits are sometimes criticized from a performance standpoint. Here too, Dodge have thc answer with the option of a 351 or 375 cu. in. diesel which ensures adequate performance when operating at gross vehicle weights in the neighbourhood of 16 tons.
Where body lengths beyond the capacity of normal two axle vehicles are required, there are two new Forward Control tractor models which have been added recently to the range enabling semi-trailers of up to 27 ft. 6 in. in length to be hauled. Gross train weight ratings of 16 and 18 tons apply to these models according to rear, axle and tyre equipment, offering approximate payload. capacities of 10 and 12 cons respectively. They can be used in conjunction with numerous types of semitrailer and much interest has been shown in these units for tanker operation.
Mobile cement mixer work is another type of operation on which Dodge are being widely used. Increasing confidence is reflected in the fact that repeat 'orders ire being received from the makers of such equipment for their units to be mounted on the abort wheelbase 7 ton Forward Control chassis. At least one manufacturer of this type of equipment mentioned that previous. experience had shown that the moving centre of gravity When the mixer*drum is revolving, has adverse effects on the behaviour of. the springs on one side of the chassis. When using Dodge, this is obviated by the fitting of rear helper spring § at a nominal extra cost. The Dodge has the additional advantages of a lower all up vehicle weight and, in many cases, reduced capital outlaY. For the most part, the machines fitted have been those :incorporating a separate engine for powering the mixer drum but it iS possible to employ power take-off drive with a, consequent further reduction in vehicle weight and increase in payload.
3 21 cu. yd. cement mixers
Normally machines of 34 cu. yd. capacity can be mounted on the short wheelbase 7 tonner and those of 24 Cu. yd. capacity on the short wheelbase 6 tonner. Certain mixer
equipment manufacturers have been experimenting with hydraulic drive for the drum. Dodge appreciate the potentialities of this modem trend andare keeping a close watch On 'future developments. Information is always .a.VailAle from Kew in respecrof the additional equipment which 'ma. be needed to carry the weights envisaged.
z,000 gallon tankers
With thc advent some 18 months ago of their Forward Control Range, Dodge are now in a position to accommodate tankers on chassis which produce compact and attractive looking machines. According to the commodity which to be carried,tanks of up to 2,000 gallons. capacity can be fitted to the 7 ton models, 1,500 gallons to the • 6 ton models and 1,200 gallons to the 5, ton models. These amounts are a general guide only and each case is considered individually. What at first sight appears to be beyond
the normal 'working limits is often found possible without detriment to the chassis.
The growing trend for domestic heating to he carried out with oil-fired appliances has: . necessitated the use of delivery tankers of the most corripact proportions possible in the interests of manoeuvrability and access to private " premises. I. Within the weight capacity,, it is possible to mount a 1,500 gallon fuel oil tank with dispensing equipment On the short Wheelbase 9 ft. 54 in. wheelbase 6 ton Forward 0:intro' chassis, which with its turning circle of 39 ft. has obvious attractions.
Typical' of the types of refrigerated bodywork which can be accommodated on the Dodge 7, ton models is a unit which has recently been mounted on a -13 ft. 74 in. wheelbase chassis. This affordea capacity of approximately 625 cia. ft. "and incorporates 5 in. of insulation.
Interior dimensians are 16 ft. 6 in. long by
6 ft. 4 in. wide and -6. ft. 6 in. high. The forced convection refrigeration equipment is driven hydraulically, thus giving the advantages of reduced weight, less noise and Maintenance. It also enal l. the use of surplus power from the Vehicle engine instead of an independent fuel supply and there is no vibration. This is one example of
he type of refrigeration body which can be accommodated, but serves to illustrate the way in which Dodge chassis can be tailored to afford maximum payload because the use of rear helper springs and a heavy duty tWospeed axle enables a payload of 7 tons 8 cwt. to be carried despite the increase in unladen weight.
Livestock bodies
". For those operators who require a body with even greater capacity, there is a longer chassis with a wheelbase of 14 ft. 104 in., which affords a maximum legal body length of approximately 20 ft, The suitability of this model for the mounting of livestock bodies and large, capacity Luton .type vans for bulky loads, however, serves to endorse more fully' the overall versatility of the Dodge range which offers payloads of as low as 3 tons for those who prefer a Normal Control vehicle for local work.