Stoke Winner Drops 19 Points
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ONLY 19 points were lost by R. McBean Elliot, of Jas. Stone and Son, Ltd., who drove a Morris n Class A in the Stoke-on-Trent round Jf the Lorry Driver of the Year Corn3etition last Sunday. In contrast, G. W. 2ope (John Joule and Sons, Ltd., Thorny:roft) the winner of Class E(1), was Iebited with 246 penalty marks, and the oss of 497 points was sufficient to qualify mother contestant in this class for third fface.
McBean seemed to be unhurried, but lis times for the tests were well below he average for the smallec vehicles. In he parking test, he placed his vehicle at I wide angle to the kerb in preparation
or reversing, and backed into the barrier pace almost on full lock. This was a Lighly effective manceuvre.
Keen co:npetition between the 13 teams aking part resulted in a close finish etween one of the two entered by S.P.D., ,td., and that of Ind Coope, Ltd.. espective points being 213 and 23L 'ease Transport, Ltd., entered three tams, and all the vehicles were in showDom condition. One of the teams gained iird place with the loss of 313 points.
In the width-judging test, a surprising umber of drivers elected to take their chides through a gap narrower than 'as physically possible. Acting on the rinciple that the impossible was indeed npossible. the marshals immediately isqualified them.
Highest consistency in the loading-bay st. was accorded to the drivers of the lueen Mary vehicles. In most instances ley backed their outfits to within 3 in. I the barrier.
About eight out of 10 of the marshals, ho were members of the British Motor acing Marshals Club, had officiated the iy _before at the British Grand Prix 'race at Silverstone. Their enthusiastic praise for the more skilful competitors at Stoke amounted to an appreciation of artistic merit.
Awards were presented by Aid. Gordon Dale, Lord Mayor of Stoke. He stressed the importance of good maintenance, and announced that a thorough maintenance test would be included in the competition next year, following the appointment of technical experts to draw up the rules. Inspection pits are to be provided.
if he had noticed an articulated vehicle with its semi-trailer vacuum pipes disconnected, he might have taken an even stronger line on this subject.
There were no competitors in Class F(1). McBean Elliot was given a special cup for his best performance of the day, but there was a lengthy debate on whether the points system should have been the basis of this award. As well as the team prize, won by S.P.D., Ltd., there was another for Stoke area contestants. This was won by Birkett and Roberts, Ltd.
RESULTS Class A--up to 15 ft.: 1.—R. McBean Elliot (Jas. Stone and Son, Ltd., Morris). 19 Penalty points. 2.--J. M. Wright (Messrs. John M. Wright, Thames). 44. 3.—L. E. Stocker (Brassington Fruiterers, Ltd., Bedford), 60.
Class B-15-19 ft.: 1.—R. Davies (Michelin Tyre Co.. Ltd., Morris), 63, .2.—F. W. 13tickfey (North Staffs Merchants, Ltd., Morris), 84. 3.—L, R. Frost (Stoke-on-Trent Surveyor's Department, Bedford). i
Class C-19-22 ft.: C. Martindale (Pease Transport, Ltd., Gus;), 43. 2.—G. F. Shurnter (Cotton Bros. fLongton), Ltd. Thames) 65. 3.—.I. Williams (S.P.D.. Ltd., Austin), 74.
Class D-22-25 ft.: 1.—D. Roberts (Michelin Tyre Co.. Ltd., Bedford), 49. 2.—R. Scrivens (S.P.D., Ltd.. Thames), 52, tying with M. Muffin (Adams Butter, Ltd., -Bedford).
Class E(11—over 25 ft., two axles: 1.—F. Hawkins (John !Mile and Sons. Ltd.. Thornyeroft). 246. 2.—G. W. Cope Clow Joule and Sons, Ltd., Thorriyeroft). 355. 3.—H. lion (Horsley Removals, Ltd., Morris), 497.
Class EiP—over. 25 ft., more than two axles: I. —D. Bradshaw 1Parofina IGreat Britain?, Ltd., A.E.C.), 25. 2.--W. H. Clarke (Ind Coope, Ltd., E.R.F.). 55. 3.—B. Stacey and cixipe. Ltd.. E.R.F.), 86.
Class F(2)--ArlIcalated, tractor under 3 tons, semi-trailer 22-27 Kr 1.—G. Capper (Pease Transport, Ltd., Bedford), 158.. 2.—L. Johnson (Simplex Electric ('o„ Ltd.. Thames), 284. 3.—A. Williams (SimplexElectric Co.. Ltd., Thames), 761.
Class C—Articulated, tractor over 3 tons, semi. trailer up to 27 ft.: 1.--11. Ward (Shell-Mex and BP..Ltd., Leyland). 70. 2.—G. Wilson find Coope, Ltd., Leyland), 83. 3.—B. 1. Wright (Pease Transtiort. Ltd.. thiv). 97.
Class H—Articulated, tractor any weight, semitrailer more Man 27 41.: 1.--0. Bailey (Adams Butter. Ltd.. A.E.C.), 140. 2.—G. Gallagher (Royal Air Force, Bedford). 241. 3,—P. Edwards (Royal Air' Force. Bedford). 325.
F. Hawkins (John Joule and Sons, Ltd.) mananwring his Thomycroft in the second test. He won Class E (I), although he scored 246 penalty points.