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E VEN the most determined opposition of the British Transport Commission cannot prevent hauliers from satisfying the...
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A QUIET American came from India to Britain by way of the British Empire, arriving at the imposing Firestone factory At the...
UTR. F. J. SPEIGHT, director and general manager of Geo. Ewer and Co., Ltd., achieved a new highlight in a colourful career...
A COACH passenger and a lorry driver probably owe their lives to the presence of mind of R.A.C. patrols. In the first case, the...
AANCHESTER seems far away, and London still farther, LIU when a traffic court witness hesitantly says: "It is so difficult to...
THERE must be something about Nottingham Transport I Department that encourages a lifetime's loyalty. Mr. H. G. Morley. who has...
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)IR. A. D. WENZEL may have been taken aback, like many VI another newcomer from overseas, by the English summer, nit another...
aiR. T. F. RICE, director of East Anglian Carriers, Ltd., VI tells me that one of his vehicles recently pulled up outside...
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BY OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT I T is expected that Mr. Ernest Marples will remain at the Ministry of Transport and not be...
A S a result of foolishness and bad advice, Messrs. McWilliam and Pine, West Hall Cotta g e, Kernnay, Aberdeenshire, committed...
ILLEGAL activities by hauliers were dis cussed at len g th on Wednesday by the licensin g committee of the Road Haula g e...
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Application by Alexander's FROM G. DUNCAN JEWELL ABERDEEN, Tuesday A BID by Charles Alexander and Partners (Transport), Ltd.,...
A 4,200-GAL, eight-wheeled tanker will be one of six Foden vehicles to he exhibited at the Commercial Motor Show, which opens...
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MR. B. G. 'ft RNER has retired as general manager and director of Thomas Allen, Ltd. He will be succeeded by MR. P. H. R....
in June 1. (The Commercial Motor, June 24) to Edwards Transport (Home), Ltd., was reduced on Monday by Mr. S. W. Nelson,...
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HE emission of harmful exhaust gases I has been discussed in Geneva by a working party on the construction of vehicles, a...
of the upper deck was recognized by bus crews as a starting • signal, it was strictly forbidden by regulations. Walsall...
a conference 'of • South Wales local authorities, at Cardiff, last week. Cllr. Harold Thomas, of Llanelly Borough Councij,...
port (Mon.) Transnort Department from the Corporation Road _Depot has • been -agreed to by the town council. The transport...
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n RGANIZATIONS representing corn rnercial-vehicle operators are immediately to be consulted by Mr. R. A. Butler, Home...
ir ROM September 12, any owner of a vehicle more than 10 years old may voluntarily arrange with any of 12,000 authorized...
TSUALLY there were sufficient slack . 1 N- 1 periods during fleet operation for adequate maintenance to be performed, said Mr....
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TWO additional articulated units on A licence, in substitution for two on contract-A licence, were granted to Jos. Walsh...
A T an inquiry held at Bristol last week, Mr. J. M. Glen, a Ministry of Transport Inspector, heard an appeal by Mr. Leslie C....
DANS on loading and unloading during peak hours in the city centre are the only section of Nottingham's " rainbow " parking...
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A N application for a licence for short-term operation, by J. W. Capstaff, . Ltd., Newcastle upon Tyne, who sought to vary...
in for some harsh criticism from Mr. Thomas Moore, Chief Constable of Nottingham. Operators of big fleets, on the other hand;...
A- FTER he was told that Messrs. P. N. rl Massey and L. Bonfield, Stoke St. Michael, Somerset, had been fined a total of 53...
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were 1-) generally "cut to the bone," the Egg Marketing Board often had difficulty in obtaining operators who were willing to...
A LTHOUGH British Railways formally objected to an application to vary an A licence by the addition of one vehicle of 5 tons...
A ONE-THIRD increase to an A(Th. licensed fleet was granted by Mr. J. H. E. Randolph ; Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority, at...
A HOLYHEAD haulier received a stern 1-1 . warning from Mr. F. Williamson, North Western Licensing Authority, at Caernarvon,...
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South Wales Commissioners Asked to Defer Ruling on Multiple Fares Applications B ECAUSE the Minister of Trankport had not...
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IN the face of a possible solution of the problem of rural bus operation being found by the Jack Committee, the separate fares...
LTHOUGH the result of last year's f – k working was not unsatisfactory, the excellent summer of 1959 had had a twofold effect...
T HE report of the Jack Committee into rural bus transport problems is expected to be in the hands of Mr. Ernest Marples,...
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D RIVING an A.E.C. eight-wheeled tanker in the Mobilgas colours for . H.C.P.P., Ltd., Oxford, F. Farmer was declared the...
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O NLY 19 points were lost by R. McBean Elliot, of Jas. Stone and Son, Ltd., who drove a Morris n Class A in the Stoke-on-Trent...
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Bulniers' Clonmel Fleet, Planned to Meet Heavy Seasonal Fluctuations, has Little Light Running By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E....
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yOUR issue of July 1 reports a decision by South Shields Transport Committee to replace trolleybuses on the Rid g eway-Lawe...
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7IVE men alleged to have been con cerned in a conspiracy to steal goods eing transported by B.R.S. (Parcels), .td., were...
N increase last year of £197,704 in the profits of the United Transport roup is reported by Mr. John H. Watts, hairman. After...
U ESTI ONS concerning the legality of return loads carried by vehicles n contract-A licence, which had been used at two...
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HEAVY" YET I MPROVED appearance is a relatively minor advantage of the latest A.E.C. Mammoth' Major eight-wheeled goods...
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I F Licensing Authorities become too ready to accept evidence that customers will not allow sub-contracting as a ground for the...
T HERE seems to be little check to the ever-open back door to additional public-A licences provided by contract vehicles. At...
C ONFUSING decisions of the Transport Tribunal have been responsible for the growth of a number of side entrances into haulage....
O NE Scottish haulage concern, Sam Anderson (Newhouse) Ltd., is in the happy position of not having to bother with the problem...
A N interesting point regarding the use of vehicles was raised by the British Transport Commission when objecting, at...
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'M ETHODS of objecting used by British Road Services sometimes seem a little peculiar, to say the least of it, and if the boot...
T HE unopposed grant to Russell of six A-licensed vehicles to carry crushed bone's for British Glues and Chemicals, Ltd.,...
THE North Western Traffic ComI missioners have received complaints from a number of local authorities that a month or five...
D OAD and rail objections to coach' air operation, as a new form of abstraction, and suggestions that a decision should wait ....
THE determination of Mr. William' son to control excursion !hiking by attaching conditions to all excursion and tour licences,...
D ECAUSE a haulage concern wds oldL- 1 established, it did not necessarily mean that it could expand whenever the owner wished....
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Political Commentary By JANUS C ONCLUSIONS about road goods transport must always be accepted with caution if they are based...
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Small Vehicles Can Cause Big Problems I T is becoming increasingly coenrnon for transport managers of ancillary fleets to be...
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C 0MPLETED within 28 days of the order having been ‘.....-placed, a fully equipped mobile vaccination unit was handed over to...
A NEW passenger-vehicle body-heating system. dispensing with individual fan units has been developed by Clayton Dewandre Co.,...