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News of the Week

22nd November 1946
Page 24
Page 24, 22nd November 1946 — News of the Week
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STOCKHOLDERS in the railway and canal companies and London Transport—undertakings to be nationalized— will receive compensation based on the average of the mean daily quotations of their securities in the London Stock Exchange official daily lists of November 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of this year. Where the average of the mid-monthly mean quotations during the period February-July, 1945, was higher than this month's mean quotations, the preelection prices will be taken.

Mr. Barnes, Minister of Transport, made this announcement in the House of Commons on Monday. He said nothing about compensation to owners of other road transport businesses.

Where rail and canal securities were not quoted on the six days of November, compensation will, if necessary, be settled by arbitration. Stockholders will receive Government securities, which are not likely to bear an interest rate higher than 2-i per cent.


DiRECTORS of the Associated L./Equipment Co., Ltd., recommended, on Monday, that a final dividend of 2s, (free of tax) should be paid per of ordinary stock, making 2s. 6d. (free of tax) for the year ended September 30. Net profit, subject to final audit, for the year was £357,500, against £218,500 in 1945,


DOUBTS have been expressed as to whether the railways were falling in with the new joint road rail licensing procedure. It is therefore of interest to mention that on November 8 an application by the L.N.E.R. for a licence in respect of its Carlisle base, which was objected to by road hauliers, was discussed by the regional sub-committee, and an agreement was reached resulting in the withdrawal of the objection. On

the same day two applications by the L.M.S. in respect of the Aspatria and Carlisle bases, which were also objected to, were discussed by the committee and agreements reached.

EVIDENCE NOT ACCEPTED THE Northern Licensing Authority, I sitting at Carlisle, refused to accept evidence of a shortage of vehicles for long-distance haulage, given by the managing director of a clearing house. NEW COMPANY TO CARRY . MEAT

FROM January 1, a new company known as Meat Transport Organization, Ltd., will take over the duties carried out by the Meat Transport Section of what was formerly the Government R.11.0., which, on this .side, is being continued until the end of the year.

The headquarters will be at the old Meat Pool offices in Kelvin House, The company will enter into an agreement with the Government for the transport of meat and, possibly, livestock. In the latter case, the R.H.A. would possibly look after the interests of its member hauliers working for the Organization.

M.T.O. would employ the hauliers and pay their accounts In the event of there being any arguments which could not be settled between them, then the hauliers would put the matter through their Association.

A personality mentioned as likely to be chairman of this new body is Mr. P. J. R. Tapp, well known in connection with the former R.H.O.


OVER 70,000 German civil patent %/specifications, covering war-time developments in German industry and research, have been brought to England from the Berlin Patent Office and are open to inspection at the Patent Office Library, 25, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2.

Unfortunately, they are in German. Name and subject indexes are available up to the end of 1942, and quarterly name indexes to September, 1943,