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A Nice Journey for IT seems that many people Those Who Like it wish to travel to South That Way . . . Africa, and some are...
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Of the "great freeze-up "—of private enterprise. That the 'day of lying under a chassis to effect repairs is not yet dead, but...
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MINISTER ANNOUNCES COMPENSATION BASIS S TOCKHOLDERS in the railway and canal companies and London Transport—undertakings to be...
rr ERE is a difference of opinion in well-informed circles as to the date on which the Nationalization Bill is likely to be...
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FFORIS will be made to split the 1.-• ranks of the road transport industry, and to persuade short-distance hauliers and...
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I - 1 A REPORT on ferries has been prepared by the National Road Transport Federation for presentation to the Committee on...
" IN view of reference, in the IKing's Speech, to the intentions of the Government in respect of the future of inland...
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MR. AraHoNy Bon, 0.B.E., has been appointed acting chief staff and welfare officer of London Transport. LORD SANDHURST and...
Retail prices of lubricating oils have been increased as from November 1. Exports of Lodge plugs are now twice as great as...
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NEW COMPANIES Metro-Motors (Dublin). Ltd.—Private company. Reg. in Dublin November 2. Cap. 05,000 in £1 shares. Garage...
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road' construction technique to be organized by the British Road Federation will be opened in London on December 4 by Mr....
THE opening of the new tyre-retread ing factory of the Homerton Rubber Works, Ltd., at Treforest, near Cardiff, last week was,...
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The Fight Must Go On Says " Tantalus " D ESP1TE the extent and vigour of the antinationalization campaign, it is evident that...
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Length by 4 ft. %VP-1EN he was transport manager of Coatbridge Co-operaIT live Society, Mr. A. Prentice, M.B.E., A.M.Inst.T.....
of Electricar industrial trucks, made by Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., Electra House, Victoria Embankment, London, W.C.2, is a...
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A TTENTION should be drawn to a recent decision of the High Court on the question of "common employment" (Colman v. Isaac Croft...
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Jealous of their Views, Experts Nevertheless Achieve some Unanimity in the Quest for the Best in Bus Stations B ETWEEN the...
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Slant on PARCELS RATES P ERIODICALLY I receive inquiries as to the method of calculating rates for the conveyance of smalls....
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A 'ingenious seat design, which passed every arduous test in war and is now being produced for peacetime purposes, may well...
WITH changes continually taking VV place in income-tax assessment procedure, some references to the more recent provisions will...
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taken "The Commercial Motor" since 1936, I except for a period during the war when it was difficult to obtain. I have now been...
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QHOULD road haulage rates be based on the cost of service alone, or should some regard be had to the value of the commodities...
A CCIDENTS had been shown to cost the State a yearly average of £100,000 000 (in terms of 1944 money), and even this vast sum...
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F ROM Joseph Lucas, Ltd., and E. Watson, both of Great King Street, Birmingham, 19, comes,, in patent No. 578,959, an improved...