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. * Personal Pars

22nd November 1946
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Page 27, 22nd November 1946 — . * Personal Pars
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MR. AraHoNy Bon, 0.B.E., has been appointed acting chief staff and welfare officer of London Transport.

LORD SANDHURST and VISCOUNT LONG OF WRAXALL have become patrons of the Industrial Transport Association.

MR. F. S. MrrstaN has resigned from the managing directorship of the Brush Electrical Engineering Co„ Ltd., and has been replaced by Ma. ALAN P. Goon.

MR. I. R. PEGLEY, managing director of Coaches and Components, Ltd., is making good progress after a serious operation, and aims to return to duty in a few weeks.

MAJOR JACKSON Malta, chairman of Albion Motors, Ltd., has been appointed a member of the Development Areas Treasury Advisory Committee, in succession to SIR CECIL WEIR.

MR. F. W. JONES has left the Road Transport Division of the Ministry of Transport, where he was assistant director in charge of road haulage operations, and 'has returned to the Power Petroleum Co., Ltd.

MR. N. B. PROCTOR, manager a Dunlop's Latin-American division, is now on a tour covering Jamaica, Cuba, Colombia and Venezuela. If time

. allows, he will visit Trinidad and Curacao before returning to London next February.

MAJOR T. P. SEARIGHT and MR H. BURROUGHES have relinquished their appointments as managing directors of H. M. Hobson, Ltd., but will continue as directors with executive duties, Major Searight also as chairman of the board. MR. S. W. HUGHES, who was formerly secretary, has become managing director.

Ma. W. J. Partstow has, on doctor's orders, been compelled to relinquish all his business activities and has retired from his managing directorship of Tecalemit, Ltd. Mr. Parslow's responsibilities as managing director will, in Future, be divided between MR. E. G. TAYLOR, director of sales, and MR. C. S. LE Cum director of engineering.

The Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., has made the following appointments: MR. H. C. CHAPMAN, overseas development manager, has become sales director in New Zealand. MR. L. H. HICKS is the new manager of the Europe and Near East division, in succession to Mn. F. C. COPELAND, who becomes assistant to the director, overseas sales. Mr, A. F. ANDERSON succeeds Mr. Chapman as manager of overseas development. MR. W. H. ,M.Emsows, overseas shipping manager, becomes overseas operating manager at Fort Dunlop.


CHARGES ' DROVISION was made in the Road

Haulage and Hire (Charges) Order, 1942, to limit the charge made by any person for the carriage of goods by road or for the hire of such vehicles, to an' amount not exceeding that which would have been fair and reasonable in October, 1940, with the addition of a percentage reflecting increases in cost since that month, and that in the absence of proof to the contrary that percentage should be 7i.

In an amending Order, the date, July, 1939, is now substituted for October, 1940, and the increase, as compared with the charge made on the earlier date, is amended to 55 per cent. Thus this total increase must not be considered as being related to the cost at the war-time date, but must be compared with pre-war charges. There is no question of it being a fixed percentage to be added in all cases to such prewar charges, but if a rate be not higher than the 55 per cent., then any person wishing to challenge it must prove that it is too high; if it be above this percentage, then the onus of proof lies on the person making the charge.

BROSSEL BECOMES LEYLAND AGENT THE well-known Belgian manufac turer of specialized vehicles, Automobiles IndustrieIs Brossel Frares S.A., has been appointed agent for Leyland Motors, Ltd. The new agency will cover Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, and the Belgian Congo. ID future Leyland vehicles will be shipped to Belgium in units and will be assembled hy the Brossel concern and marketed thTough that company's subsidiary sales organization, known -as S.O.B.I.A.C.

The new agent will continue to manufacture specialized vehicles, such as fire-engines and Belgian municipal-type buses, in which Leyland engines and other components will be fitted.

Mr. Louis Brossel, governing director, has already placed orders for over 70 Tiger buses and nearly 40 Leyland six-cylindered oil engines.


SUPPLIES CONTROLLER 1UP. ARTHUR GREENWOOD, sup1V2 plies controller for David Brown and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., has died at the age of 54. He was responsible. for the co-ordination of buying throughout the David Brown group. His complete, command of his subject was turned to national advantage in the early days of -the war, when the organization of the country's total production of Tank transmissions devolved on David Brown.


'THE Board of Trade has published a J. revised Raw Materials Guide, which sets out all the raw materials controlled by it and by the Ministry of Supply. It gives brief details of the types of control in force and the addresses to which inquiries should be directed.

It is obtainable, at Is. 6d.; through any bookseller. SORTING OUT PROBLEMS OF INCREASED TONNAGE

rHANGES in road haulage since 1939

are making difficulties for the Commissioners, said Mr. A. Robertson. Scottish Licensing Authority, during the hearing of an application at Perth, last week. The whole position was indefinite, and it might be cleared up by the Appeal Tribunal.

'Mr. James Stewart, solicitor, suggested that the situation should be considered and a fair increase of tonnage shared among all hauliers.

Mr_ John D. Burns, Perth, sought to have his fleet stabilized at 10 vehicles . under A licences. At present he held seven A licences and two short-term 13 licences.

He estimated that road-transport charges had increased from 50-75 per cent, during the war, but he admitted that the cost of a 5-ton lorry for an hour was now 10s., compared with 4s. 6d. before the war. •

He said that if his application were successful, his fleet would have been increased by 150 per cent, upon its prewar size. Mr. Robertson then said: "I know some others within 30 miles of this town who have increased their fleets by 300 per cent. But they haven't licences yet—only permits."

The decision taken was that Mr. Burns should carry on pending stabilization.


THE latest knowledge available on one of the most important of all metallurgical developments will be disclosed at a meeting of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, to be held at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Storey's Gate, London, S.W.1, on December 3, at 6 p.m.

Mr. J. A. Judd, of the British Piston Ring Co., Ltd., and Mr. W. H. Tait, of the Glacier Metal Co., Ltd., will jointly present a paper on "The Uses of Powder Metallurgy in Automobile Engineering." Mr. Judd will deal with ferrous metals and Mr. Tait with non-ferrous metals.

A GOVERNMENT THAT HELPS rULL responsibility for the construc

tion and maintenance of arterial or trunk roads in its area is to be accepted by the Government of Northern Ireland. The Ministry of Commerce is to become the highway authority of such roads.

Main roads throughout Northern Ireland will be surveyed in preparation for their improvement. Local authorities will receive financial assistance from public funds.

The Minister of Commerce has set up an inter-Departmental Committee to examine the position regarding unelassified roads in rural areas. So that remedial work should not be delayed, the Government is giving special temporary grants of 50 per cent. of the cost of approved additional works on these roads.

GROWTH OF TRANSPORT MANAGERS' CLUB flONSIDERABLE progress is being made by the Transport Managers' Club, Dover House, 170, Westminster Bridge Road, London, S.E.1. Mr. W. J. Irons, A.M.Inst.T., is the hon. secretary, and the president is Mr. H. T. Dutfield, M.Inst.T. The area secretaries are. Mr. J. Berge, 10, Ford Street, Liverpool, 5. and Mr. J. F. Jones, Anne Road, Handsworth, Birmingham.

Monthly luncheons are held in each area as follow:—London: Last Wednesday in each month, I p.m., Elephant and Castle Hotel, S.E.I. Liverpool: Third Thursday in each month, 1 p.m.. Bradford Hotel, Tithebarn Street. Midland' First Tuesday in each month, 1 p.m., " Old Crown and Cushion." Birchfield Road, Perry Barr, Birmingham.


A CREDITORS' meeting of Grantham r-1 Productions, Ltd., is to be held in London to-day (November 22) to discuss the liquidation of the company, which makes Kendall tractors and cars. According to " The Financial Times," a sale may take place at the works, three days after the creditors' meeting, to dispose of machine-tools, commercial vehicles, tractors and cars.


A FOUR-WHEELED trailer, formerly rt a radar van, has been converted by the Watford and' St. Albans Gas Co. for use as a mobile workshop on the sites of major building schemes in the company's area of supply.

The trailer is fitted with electrically driven machines capable of cutting, screwing and .bending steel tubing of 4-in. to 2-in, internal diameter. The plant includes an abrasive-wheel cut-off machine, a screwing machine to thread the ends of tubes, an hydraulic tube bender, a bench drill, a grinder and a small air compressor for testing the soundness of tubing after bending. Power is obtained from a petrol-driven generator.

A crew of two men is carried with the vehicle, the introduction of which is expected greatly to speed up gas installation.

The idea was conceived by Mr. J. L. Wilson, the Watford and St. Albans company's district engineer.


ACCESSORIES FOR ABROAD VVE are informed by Unive Unity VV Parts, Ltd., 107, Long Acre, London, W.C.2, that it acts as export representative for a number of concerns in the motor trade in connection with Spain, Spanish Morocco and the Canary islands. Lines already dealt with are Raybestos, Payer', 1.C.I. finishes, Buma, Shakeproof, Timken and Fischer, Newton clutches, Hepolite, and other wellknown products of the spare-parts and accessories trade.

The concern has just established the first up-to-date oil engine service in the Canaries. To start this, it brought a man back from the branch concern, and he was trained at the C.A.V. works at Acton, after which he returned to the Canaries and began the new service.

Any manufacturer interested in establishing himself in these markets would, we are told, be given co-operation.


A FEATURE of the recent annual report of the Compagnic Gen6rale des Transports au Katanga, which operates a large fleet of goods vehicles in the Belgian Congo, is the statement that its machines are all in urgent need of replacement. Capital of the undertaking is to be increased to enable orders to be placed for 62 new vehicles at an estimated cost of about 160,000.