T ilIERE is so much misapprehension regarding the crisis concerning the
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maintenance of the pound at its par value that the action of Sir Eric Geddes in issuing to all workers at Fort Dunlop a pamphlet describing, as simply as possible, the reasons for the crisis, is a thoughtful procedure which, if followed elsewhere, might do a great deal towards destroying a number of erroneous and harmful ideas on the subject.
FEW people are aware of the origin of unsplinterable glass. Its invention was the result of an 818 t accident. One day Edouard Benedictus, a French chemist, dropped a bottle on a stone floor, and although it was starred like a crystal it did not break. He remembered that the bottle contained a mixture of various chemicals which had evaporated and coated the inside with transparent enamel.
A patent was taken out in 1910, and Mr. Reginald Delpech took up the idea and founded the Triplex Co., with the result that the output of the Triplex factories is now 2,000,000 sq. ft. per year.
FRENCH railway companies are taking a bold step in connection with the road-versus-rail controversy, and the latest scheme is to amend the station system; instead of the distance of 5 kiloms, between stations it is suggested to increase this to 25 kilotns., but more depends on the importance of the traffic than on the actual distance.
In -addition, it is advocated that trains should be used for journeys of 150 kiloms and over or for the transport of fully loaded trucks, whereas shortdistance passengers and small groups of parcels could be carried either by road or by light, economical rail vehicles. Passengers would be taken to the station centres by 'buses and combined roadand-rail vehicles may possibly be adopted. Further, it is proposed to introduce a door-to-door transport system for goods.
WHAT to do with waste oil from crankcases, etc., is often a matter of some difficulty. Snmetimes it is disposed of by night in some mysterious and questionable manner; if not, it may be buried, burned, or left about in barrels taking up valuable space.
The need for an efficient method of disposal is shown by the fact that after we recently gave particulars of a burner by which the oil could be employed for heating boilers, etc., inquiries regarding this device have been received by the maker from all over the country.
IT would appear that the present political situa tion at one time was considered likely to affect the car and commercial-vehicle exhibitions to be held this year, but the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has deemed it its duty to the public to proceed with its plans for the exhibitions, although the future policy is not settled.