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• 30 to 1 up north

23rd April 1971, Page 44
23rd April 1971
Page 44
Page 44, 23rd April 1971 — • 30 to 1 up north
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Did you see my photo of a breakdown beauty in the April 9 issue? If not, you missed something. One man who didn't miss it was Mr J. Singley, of Hudson Engineers (Sandside) Ltd., who operate a 24-hour recovery and repair service from Forton to Penrith on M6 and A6. He tells me that his company has 12 vehicles and 30 men involved in a service which has been running since 1897. I believe I traced a note of regret when Mr Singley confessed they did not have an attractive duty manageress. One female in charge of 30 mechanics? I should think not— that would be carrying equality and Women's Lib much too far.

Anyway, what is perfectly clear is that operators should find little difficulty in getting assistance if they breakdown up north—in fact, if they use our 24-hour Emergency Guide they should seldom experience difficulty in any part of the country.