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The road haulage industry and other employers of goods vehicle drivers should grasp with both hands the opportunity presented...
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• Unemployment figures in the road haulage industry are likely to exceed 41,000 when this week's 800,000 national total is...
• Mr W. McMillan, the Road Haulage Association chairman, last Friday claimed that transport operators whose facilities and...
• "Bus cages" up to 80ft long will be painted on the roads at certain bus stops in London's first big traffic experiment to...
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• The Queen's Award to Industry has been made to 1111 companies this year. The Awards, announced on Wednesday, the Queen's...
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• In a notable admission, the Road Haulage Association's annual report for 1970-71 says that the road haulage rate structure...
• Seatrain Lines' container division has now moved into new corporate headquarters at Port Seatrain in Weehawken, New Jersey....
• Educating management on how tc make use of, and appreciate, trainee personnel is vitally important if training is tc have the...
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• A furniture-removal pantechnicon, known as the Saffron Continental has been produced by R. W. Osborne and Son Ltd, Saffron...
• Transport Ferry Service, in an announcement this week said that to meet the demands of increasing and changing trends in...
• The prices of Ford commercial vehicles were increased by approximately 7 per cent with effect from April 15.
• Plans have been released for the ' acquisition of 5000 vehicles by the Army to form a new fleet of heavy logistics lorries....
• The Samuel Williams Transport drivsr training school, which is situated at the company's Thames Terminal at Dagenham. is to...
• Opening on the Silloth airfield on the Cumberland Solway Firth coast on May 3 is a school for training heavy transport...
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from a special correspondent • Materials handling was one of the themes at this year's International Fair at Bilbao, Spain, at...
scheme agreed • Agreement has been reached between the Road Haulage Association and the British Shippers' Council on a basis...
• Vehicles with worn, ill-matched or defective tyres present a fearful risk to drivers and other road users. "Yet," said Mr...
1 A one-day transport conference, "Training for transport management," jointly arranged by the Institute of Transport...
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• "We are in business to sell rides to our customers and little enough market research has been carried out by the bus...
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A categorical statement that British Leyland would continue to build double-deckers—and better double-deckers--as long as...
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• "The advantages of standardization are admitted by everyone, and all engineers are willing to accept standardized products,...
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• Eleven immediate and 21 delayed GV9s resulted in Road Services (Forth) Ltd appearing in Edinburgh last week under Section...
• The head of a Scottish haulage company called last week for an immediate inquiry into •the standard of servicing in garages...
• Two applications for 0 licences in the East Midland traffic area have been refused by the LA, Mr C. M. Sheridan, in written...
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The Metropolitan LA, Mr D. I. R. uir, decided to take no action last week a Section 69 inquiry although a vehicle amines...
For operators and their sees • . Over the past two years hundreds of operators have attended seminars sponsored by CM and IPC...
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F. M. (Frank( McGill was elected president of the Scottish Road Passenger Transport Association at the agm at Gleneagles on...
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• Special hybrid bodywork, comprising a van structure for the front half of the load space and a dropside platform for the...
• Sunblest bread bakers, part of the Associated British Foods Group which already operate an extensive fleet of Leyland Redline...
• The MAN company of Germany is fitting Kysor automatic radiator shutters to heavier MAN vehicles powered by the concern's V8...
• A series of seminars on welding in motor body repair is currently being organized by ARO Machinery Co. Ltd, continuing until...
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• Artie operators having to make small - .;onsignmcnt deliveries over long distances, as well as in congested city conditions,...
• The new London service centre of Ailsa Trucks Ltd, UK concessionaire for Volvo commercial vehicles, is now completely...
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Triumph for youngest competitor 'HE 11th annual National Coach Rally, rganized by Wigan and District Excursion nd Tours...
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Next week Citi is again at Blackpool, this time to meet the tipper - operators at their fifth Annual Convention discussing...
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Janus (CM, April 9) splendidly supports the cause of the commercial goods vehicles and the drivers, and it is sad that it will...
We read with considerable interest the article "The Day We Went to Calais" (CM March 5). As the authority responsible for the...
Mr T. Davies, (CM, April 2) has obviously taken umbrage at my comments on the Road Transport Industry Training Board. It may...
For the next seven days commencing April 23 to 29. FRIDAY IRTE IS. London) annual dinner-dance. Top Rank Suite, Croydon....
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VEHICLE FINANCE has always been a major problem. The pioneer road hauliers of the Twenties established themselves with war...
by John Darker, AMBIM WITH a number of choices available and abundant literature urging the ' merits of contract - hire,...
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I don't often travel by bus—do you? You should, you know: it's reasonably priced, leisurely and entertaining. I took one last...
Two London laundrymen collected prizes in an American livery competition last week —United Linen Services, of Fulham, with a...
Did you see my photo of a breakdown beauty in the April 9 issue? If not, you missed something. One man who didn't miss it was...
Talking about breakdowns, I wonder how many we will see on Sunday, May 2, on A23. For that's the day when the Historic...
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CONTRACT-HIRE offers a complete service. It includes the provision of a suitable vehicle for the hirer's operation, painted in...
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RENTAL VEHICLES, carrying the livery of the hire company, are a familiar sight on Britain's roads today, and the increasing...
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WHAT is a little surprising in the field of railer and container rentals and leasing is hat the truck rental specialists have...
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• If you're feeling a little out of sorts this morning then there is no better man for you to meet than Norman Shortland. Last...
workshop by Handymar Benchwise: delayed risks • Although at the time a rush job is carried out the repair may in fact work,...
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by Tony Wilding, MIMechE, XCEPTIONAL QUIETNESS in the cab rid excellent suspension were the main, fitial impressions I received...
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by janus E VERYTHING—or at any rate this is how it sometimes seems to me— everything conspires to accentuate e difference in...
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you stated that "triangular rear reflectors must be fitted on all trailers (semi and drawbar and caravans). . . ." My...
we find that it is difficult to spare time to check all the drivers' log sheets when they are handed in. We do make sure that...
the Army to obtain a Class I hgv driving licence and drive vehicles of this class before they reach the age of 21. Is this...
injured in an accident involving an uninsured vehicle can, however, obtain compensation. Could you give me any more information...
good:, At present it is insured only as a privet vehicle. Am I correct in understanding ths I should have a commercial vehicle...
is to Start discussions in th near future on the subject of vehicle-typ approval. What exactly does this involve A Type...
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matters by John Darker, AMBIM Transport and distribution consultants I ?. The Anne Shaw Organization seemed appropriate,...
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by Les Oldridge AIRTE, AMIMI Dangerous vehicles and loads (1) ONE of the most important parts of the Motor Vehicle...
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George Wilmot Senior Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of London. he importance of transport .ourses by...
by John C. Vann • Most operators who run more than 10 vehicles have their insurance arranged on a fleet basis. The premium...
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i Calculators have just ::ed a new metric convercalculator. The instrument ically a circular slide rule he separate setting...
sed volume and interior :5 can now be had in ard CF vans with the Top introduced by DormoThis is a well-designed rsion giving...
Ltd lists among its range tool-boxes—Nos 16 and Nhich offer a safe and inexpensive method of storing tools and small...
Latest and lightest in the range of compact, easily transported CO, welding machines marketed by Welding Products International...
A fully coloured wall chart showing an exploded view of a trailer axle. with cam brakes has been produced by Rubery...
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age Control has extended sad-Lok cargo control range the introduction of a new or cargo-retaining winch for on flat-bed...
hide battery introduced by Ltd and called the Levelite, ; up when it needs topping nd instead of the usual-six v caps or...
The 15in. by 8in. Auto Databoard from Janes of Manchester will act as a writing - desk and reference board for all those people...
by Tony Wilding A booklet published recently says that most accidents involving abrasive wheels could have been avoided if the...