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NEWS of activity in the building trade comes, this week, from various quarters. The boot and shoe and leather business generally appears to be brisk on the whole. There seems to be a demand for steel from the Yorkshire manufacturing centres. Work should be obtainable for some time to come, in fact, probably as a direct result of the stimulating effect of the fine weather.
North-east Coast.
• House building in Newcastle is active and timber stocks are being drawn upon. Similar news comes from West Hartlepool. The demand for pit-props is better and the sawn-wood market is good.
In Bradford, factories making rayon fabrics have plenty of orders for delivery during the ensuing months. This particularly applies to manufacturers of fabric for furniture. An increased tonnage of automobile steel is being transported to the Midlands and other carmaking centres. The specialized steel trade is reported to be active, and the flow of orders is being augmented weekly. Electrical apparatus with its related products is a progressive line. Sheffield Corporation has placed contracts for sub-station equipment, transformers and generators.
Rayon factories in Manchester are increasingly busy, chiefly with orders for delivery to the home market. This particularly applies to mills where rayon fabrics are woven. Tanners in Runcorn, Warrington and Liverpool are still busy arranging for delivery of orders received. Boot and shoe factories in the Rossendale Valley are better off for autumn orders than this time last year.
Large arrivals of potash fertilizers are reported at Liverpool, and as prices have been stabilized steady deliveries will follow. There is •a fair amount of business in other fertilizers es well just now. Unusual quantities of dried blood have arrived at Liverpool docks. Business in second-hand sacks and bags is active.
There are not many large .orders about in the timber trade, but there is plenty of work on hand in the mills for some time to come. A new cinema is to be erected at the corner of Acre Street and Manchester Road, Denton, for Denton Palace, Ltd.
Nottingham manufacturers of rayon stockings are particularly well placed for orders just now. Boot and shoe manufacturers in Stafford have plenty of small deliveries to make. Northampton leather makers anticipate a big flow of orders from now onwards.
J. R. Holbrook and Co., Hertford Street, Coventry, has commenced reconstruction of its premises. Staffordshire Public Assistance Committee has adopted a scheme for the erection of a hospital adjoining the institution at Newcastle-under-Lyme. 'Worcestershire Education Committee proposes to erect and furnish a senior school near the
housing estate at Evesham. Walsall Town Council is to extend the isolation B42
hospital at Goscote and to provide a sanatorium. Eight houses are to be built in Kettering for the rural district council by Streather and Son. Various contractors are to build 81 houses on the Tillingtou Estate, Stafford, for the town council.
Wholesale dealers in boots and shoes in the Glasgow area have deliveries to make. Wholesalers in the drapery trade in Glasgow are commencing autumn deliveries. Glasgow tanners expect to be busier very soon.
West Country.
Flour deliveries in Bristol and district are good. R. and W. Paul, of Ipswich, is to build a mill, for the manufacture of provender, on land at the east side of Avonmouth docks. Forty-two houses are to be built at Bideford, by the Universal Housing Co., Rickmans worth. A super cinema to scat 2,000 is to be erected at Bath.
London and Home Counties, The tendency for leather prices to rise has brought about increased activity in the Bermondsey leather market. Flour millers in Hampshire are finding business better now that the disturbance caused by the institution of the quota .system has died down and an even flow of loads may be expected.
Oxford Corporation is to construct a three-arch bridge over the River Cherwell.
Newport, Isle of Wight, Corporation is proposing to erect 330 ft. of reinforced concrete sea wall at Seaclose.
Brentford and Chiswick urban District Council is to build 36 houses and flats on the Church Walk site, Chiswick. St. Albans Rural District Council is about to build 24 houses at Colney Heath. H. Goodsell is to build 44 houses at Ringstone Estate for Maidstone Town Council. A large senior mixed school is to be built at Baylis Court, Slough.
Reading Town Council has purchased a site at Caversham Grove for the erection of a boys' secondary school. A new senior school is to be erected at Rye by East Sussex Education Com mittee. Hants County Council is to erect additional wards at Park Prewett Mental Hospital and an admission block with 70 beds at Knowle.