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T HE Report of the Conference on Rail and Road Transport constitutes, perhaps, the most serious menace which has ever been...
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A N important effect of the recommendations as tlregards licence duty will probably be increased popularity of multi-wheeled...
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That manufacturers must now back up the R.H.A. That the Dennis vacuum-operated clutch and simplified gear-change device are...
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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'The Ministry of Transport has recently issued its Monthly return in re.spect of the number. of motor vehicles registered for...
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Mr. R. C. Moor, traffic superintendent at Stockton-on-Tees, has been appointed assistant traffic superintendent to Hull...
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A Useful Profit from Southampton's Buses. In the year ended March 31st, 1032, the total receipts from the operation of the...
NELSON Corporation proposes to purchase a motorbus costing 11,150. Nash and Co. is supplying CARDIFP ' Corporation with a...
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CONFERENCE REPORT DART I opens with preliminary comments upon the scope of the task and the character of the Conference. It...
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goods vehicles is necessary, but that any vehiele might be examined and, if found unfit, the licence in respect of it should be...
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N NNER the chassis des1 ribed and tested T 0 meet a demand both in this country and from overseas for an inexpensive chassis...
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vehicles in this country are extremely high, quite apart from the .extra imposition of the 8d. petrot tax, no one will deny....
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of the "Report" The Associated Equipment Co., Ltd. The Report of the Conference on Road and Rail Transport offers no...
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I N last week's issue of The Commercial Motor there appeared the first instalment of an article dealing with transport costing,...
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and the "REPORT" T HE haulier is most directly concerned with Part III—Regulation and Licensing—of the Report of the...
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T HE Road Haulage Association, claiming to represent more road-haulage contractors than any other .single body, protests...
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N EWS of activity in the building trade comes, this week, from various quarters. The boot and shoe and leather business...
1/ ETAILS are now available of the proposal, mentioned in our issue dated August 9th, to accommodate goods vehicles at the...
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M.H.C.S.A. DISAPPROVES OF AMULREE COMMITTEE'S FINAL REPORT FIN Sunday, August 14th, the Motor IL/Hirers and Coach Services...
An Analysis of the Operations of a Municipal Fleet of 332 Vehicles T EE municipal year in most cities and towns in Great...
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MHE following are the times and places announced by Area Traffic Commissioners for their forthcoming public sittings. In each,...
LINCOLN APPLICATION FAILS. THE application by Lincoln Corpora tion to operate buses from the city boundary to North Hykeham...
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AT the end of the month HeighIcy Cor poration is to abandon trolley-bus operation, having entered into an agreement with the...
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T HAT well-known concern the Hydraulic Hoist Co., Ltd., 1-3, Brixton Road, London, S.W.9, which has works at Southport, has...
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Fluid Flywheel MHE names of The Daimler Co., Ltd., IA H. Pomeroy and A. Blundell, appear in Patent No. 876,877, which relates...